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绘画是观念的推进者又对观念化有严格的制约性。Painting as one propeller to conception, has strong restriction on conceptualization.

唯意志论和盟约论神学一起塑造出霍布斯的主权者概念。Voluntarism and covenant theology together constitute Hobbes' conceptualization of sovereign.

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我们知道有多少人在为什么是概念化的正常性生活而斗争。We do know how many people struggle with the conceptualization of what a normal sex life looks like.

与此同时,一个专业思想的概念化也就开始成熟了。At the same time, a conceptualization of the very idea of a profession was also ripening and maturing.

那天课的结尾我们讲了从卢瑟福的概念中,衍生出来的波尔的原子模型。We ended the day with Bohr's model of the atom, which derived from the conceptualization of Rutherford.

马达思班将在玉山项目的概念化及实施过程中,担当以上所有角色。Mada s. p. a. m. claims all these roles in the conceptualization and execution of the Jade Valley project.

隐喻是一种认知现象,是人们对抽象范畴进行概念化的有力的认知工具。Metaphor is a cognitive phenomenon, a powerful cognitive tool for our conceptualization of abstract categories.

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本文是“本科翻译教学‘观念建构’模式刍议”的续篇。This paper is a continuation of Toward a Conceptualization Approach to Translation Teaching for Undergraduates.

要将我们对于人类行为的驱动的认识拓展开来,以便增强我们的论证的的力量和准确性。Expanding our conceptualization of the drivers of human behavior expands the power and accuracy of our theorizing.

在体育技术教学中,强调运动技术概念的教学有着极其重要的意义。It is of great significance to emphasize the conceptualization appro- ach in the teaching of physical training technique.

空间的概念化手段使得靖西壮语特殊的方位意义整合形式得以实现。It is the spatial conceptualization method that realizes the special meaning blending of location in Jingxi's Zhuan language.

当人们在咨询中产生改变是,他们不仅仅改变了他们与他人相处时的言行举止和表现,也改变了他们概念化的方法。When people change in therapy they change their ways of doing and being with others as well as their ways of conceptualization.

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“人”这个字是非真实概念法,因为它所指的东西不概念化就无法直接体认。The word "man" is an unreal concept because it refers to something that cannot be directly experienced without conceptualization.

任务轨迹概念化,指双手所完成的任务轨迹能概念化成一个符号,这可减少双手干扰。Task conceptualization means that bimanual interference is reduced when two hands' locus are conceptualized into a meaningful symbol.

在产品概念过程中,缺乏支持将会为有效地实现跟踪产品需求带来困难。A lack of support during product conceptualization makes it difficult to efficiently trace the realization of requirements in the product.

否则,还是应该阅读一下这个段落,因为它简要地给出了应用程序服务器系统的概念,这有助于理解本文的后续部分。Otherwise, this paragraph will present a simplified conceptualization of an app server system to help with understanding the remainder of the article.

我们通过分析发现,班扬对抽象事物的概念化,是通过一系列特殊的隐喻和转喻实现的。Through analysis, it is discovered that Bunyan's conceptualization of abstract matters is facilitated by a series of particular metaphors and metonymies.

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任何值得考虑的概念化都是与语言分不开的,而最基本的语言就是我们关于物理事物的普通语言。Conceptualization on any considerable scale is inseparable from language, and our ordinary language of physical things is about as basic as language gets.

因此,精细建筑的概念化及上演随着环境的不同而变化,经常采用来自设想的不同的表现形式。The conceptualization and enactment of lean construction therefore differs across contexts, often taking on different manifestations from those envisaged.

人们对这种抽象的、复杂的可比关系进行概念化的结果就是各种非原型的比较概念。The results of people's conceptualization on those complex and abstract comparable relationships are various kinds of non-prototypical comparison concepts.