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矿床属沉积-热卤水改造成因。Thedeposits belong to sedimentary-hot brine reformational type.

在整个改革阶段,国有企业可以说是重中之重。The reform of the state corporation is most important during the reformational period.

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本文主要分三个部分对维特的经济思想和改革实践进行系统的论述。The author systematically discusses Viler's economic thoughts and reformational practices mainly in three parts.

本文对我校研究生教育的一些具体改革思路和做法作了概要介绍。This paper will summarily discuss some specific reformational thoughts on graduate students' education in our university.

本研究着眼于高等农业院校内部管理体制和运行机制创新研究。The reformational background of the inner managing system and running mechanism in the university have been analysed in the study.

高校思想政治工作社会化是思政工作改革的大趋势。The socialization of ideological and political work at colleges is the reformational megatrends of ideological and political work.

伴随公共服务的改革浪潮,我国城市公交服务也开始了寻求新的市场化道路。With the reform of public service, urban public transport service in China is looking for a new market-oriented reformational road.

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根据教学的现状和问题,应采取改革措施加强艺术设计专业的色彩教学。As I have studied and taught fine arts for many years, I analyze the situation and problems of color teaching and give some reformational advice.

现如今,其在素质教育架构下的位置、角色以及改革发展方向又给当代教育家提出了新的课题。Nowadays, it brings forward new task on its position, role and reformational development direction under the frame of education for all-round development.

本文还建设性地提出员工激励制度改革方案的实施途径及员工激励制度改革方案的保障措施。The assurance measures that the reformational projects of staff motivation system of Huashuo chemical corporation were put into practice were advised also.

如果我们把”独唱”圣经的倡导者的声明,和以上宗教改革时期的基督徒的声明加以对比,很快就可以看出其明显的差异。If we compare the statements made by advocates of "solo" Scriptura with the statements of Reformational Christians above, the difference is immediately evident.

20世纪初,清王朝为了挽救濒临灭亡的命运,推行了一系列的社会改革措施。In the early 20th century, Qing dynasty carried out a series of social reformational policies in order to remedy its political power being at the edge of perdition.

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由于共和党内部改革派和保守派的分化斗争,使得共和党的分裂不可避免。Because of the polarization and the agon between the reformational faction and conservative faction within the republican party the abruption of republican party is ineluctability.

本文从社会和科技发展出发,对高职模具专业课程体系、教学方法进行了研究,提出了改革实施方案。This paper researches the reformation of course system and teaching method for die specialty based on development of society and science, and has studied out a reformational project.

文章对目前我国大学会计教育存在的问题进行了分析,从培养目标、课程设置、教学模式等方面探讨了我国大学会计教育改革的对策。This essay analyzes the problems existing in domestic university accounting education and mainly discusses the reformational measures about domestic universities accounting education.

为了走出困局,一些省份积极推行扩权强县的改革政策,取得了一定成效。Some provinces implement some reformational policies that enlarge the counties'power so as to swell their strength actively in order to overcome the difficulties, and they have got some effects.

在西方平等、人本、自由思潮的影响下,近代改良旗袍以自然简单、形体曲线、自由多样为美。The reformational Qipao in the modern times with the characteristics of natural simpleness, graceful figure and free variety, is influenced by Western thoughts of equality, humanism and freedom.

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旨在对我国电力市场改革方向与运营方式及在未来市场中为参与者的最优竞价策略进行探索性研究。The purpose of this paper is to exploratory research the reformational orientation and the operational manner of China power market and optimal bidding strategies for participants in future market.