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这位是线路板。This is a circuit board.

这就构成了一个闭合电路。This makes a close circuit.

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虚拟线路连接?。VCC? Virtual Circuit Connection?

你的电路就完成了。Your circuit thingy is finished!

颜色编码电路指示。Colour coded circuit designation.

并附有电路图。It also attaches circuit diagram.

没有辅助双电路系统。Not-assisted dual circuit system.

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栅极电路发生故障。The grid circuit is out of order.

短路会烧断保险丝的。A short circuit will blow the fuse.

虚拟电路控制程序?。VCP?Virtual Circuit control Program?

电极光面保护电路。Electrode surface protection circuit.

所以这条线路会像是什么呢?So what would that circuit look like?

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任何电路可以通过一个特定的数字信号。Any circuit will pass a digital signa.

OK现在你需要一个好的电路。Ok now you need a cool circuit thingy.

短路及过载保护。Short circuit and overload protection.

电机不转检查断路器及电机接线。Check motor wiring and circuit breaker.

这个电路里面使用了两个断路器。There are two breakers in this circuit.

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专用集成电路。Application-Specific Integrated Circuit.

可控制2路或3路电路的通断。It can control 2 or 3 circuit switching.

那位电工切断了通电电路。The electrician killed the live circuit.