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而他因为教龄长而不会被解雇。He can't be fired due to seniority.

按资历,老潘该排第一。By seniority first place goes to Pan.

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论资排辈的体制逐渐走向现代化。The seniority system is slowly modernizing.

晋升是看业绩还是排资论辈?Should promotion be through merit or seniority?

有些公司则是按照资历顺序,先列高级官员。Some firms list officers first, in order of seniority.

另外,也不要提及认为资金需求或倚老卖老。Also, skip any reference to seniority or financial need.

论资排辈是一种习惯势力,是一种落后的习惯势利。Seniority is a force of habit is a habit behind snobbish.

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国家怎样实行教师资格制度?How does the country implement pedagogic seniority system?

在职场里,经验和资历有优势吗?Does experience and seniority have advantages in the work place?

由于去国外任职,我牺牲了两年的资历。I sacrificed two years' seniority by taking the overseas posting.

排资论辈制度也是导致工会好斗争的另一因素。The seniority system is another factor that leads to union militancy.

尊老意味着姜还是老的辣,而年轻有为者则难有升职的机会。Respect for seniority means that promotions go to the older, not the most able.

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之后,属下才能依照年资浅浅啜饮一口。Only then can his subordinates take a sip in strict observance of their seniority.

有六个警卫监督我们,全是老经验的警卫。There were six guards on the project, all of them picked on the basis of seniority.

我跟你们的市长平级,就算我抓了那女孩的脖子又能把我怎么样?I have the same seniority as your mayor. So what if I grabbed a little child's neck?

公司要成功就必须既雇用资深人士又雇用年轻人。You need a mixture of seniority and youthfulness if your organisation is to succeed.

之前,我一直的印象就是这个工作完全不需要资历。I had been under the impression that this was a job in which seniority was undesirable.

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他对公司政治不屑一顾,超越年龄限制按才取人。He disdains corporate politics and promotes people based on merit rather than seniority.

在这些公司里,职员们更多地按照资历来得到薪水而非技能。In these companies, workers are paid more for their seniority and less for their skills.

更加令人吃惊的是所涉及的公司之广和人员资历之高。More shocking is the breadth of companies and the seniority of the individuals involved.