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这种关系可以并且应当是相辅相存的。This relation can and should be symbiotic.

事实上,斯诺是把这种关系描述为“共生”。In fact, Snow describes it as a "symbiotic" relationship.

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这将是所有光环之中最美丽的共生环。It will be the most beautiful symbiotic halo ever to halo things.

这种共生关系在短期内不大可能发生变化。It is a symbiotic relationship that is unlikely to change anytime soon.

这个互利共生的关系已经持续了千百万年。It is a symbiotic relationship that has worked well for millions of years.

这种共生关系在短期内不大可能发生变化。S. It is a symbiotic relationship that is unlikely to change anytime soon.

慢性感染这些病毒可能有共生的好处。There may be symbiotic advantages to chronic infections with these viruses.

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其中,中国古代社会的政治法律制度与宗法制度是相共生的。The political, legal and agnate system in our ancient society are symbiotic.

共生微生物包括根瘤菌、弗兰克氏菌及菌根真菌。Examples of symbiotic organisms include Rhizobium , Frankia, and mycorrhizae.

一个新的,在两个敌人间的共生关系诞生。A newly refashioned symbiotic relationship between the two adversaries was born.

人类自诞生以来,即与自然界共生共存共荣。Humans since its birth, that is, the symbiotic coexistence with the natural world.

青苔是一种浅根植物,是藻类和真菌共生形成的一种低等植物。Lichen is a simple plant, which comes from symbiotic growth of algae and epiphyte.

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这让荧光珊瑚能够保护好他们的共生藻。This gives fluorescent corals an edge in protecting the symbiotic algae they host.

蓝精灵事实上是由两种有共栖关系的生物产生的。The Smurf is actually the result of a symbiotic relationship between two organisms.

澳门不再依靠此前与何鸿燊标志性的共生关系来维持博彩业。Macao no longer relies on its formerly symbiotic relationship with Dr Ho to sustain it.

从开始的一种利害关系已发展成现在的一种共生的关系。What started as a marriage of convenience has now turned into a symbiotic relationship.

但是,长期合约如果执行得当,能够促使生产商与客户结成共生关系。But long-term contracts can be symbiotic for producers and clients if properly enforced.

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他们与夸润人接触,在经过一些纷争后相互建立了共生关系。They contacted the Quarren, and after some confusion, developed a symbiotic relationship.

在某种程度上,我们掩盖了事实——中国经济和美国已经融为一体。It obscures the degree to which the economies of China and the U.S. have become symbiotic.

淘宝网成就了一个创新与消费之间典型关系的范例。Taobao makes for a nice example of the symbiotic relationship between consumption and innovation.