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疥疮,学名疥螨。This is a scabies mite.

埃玛俯身给小东西喂奶。Emma bent over the little sucking mite.

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MITE的一个关键成份是实习科目。A key component of MITE is the practicum.

如何鼻螨确诊为患?。How is a nasal mite infestation diagnosed?

上海市泌特临床协作组。Shanghai Mite Clinical Study Cooperative Group.

此为疥虫钻行的痕迹。This gets the mark of travel for sarcoptic mite.

一文钱在流通领域是最小价值的。A mite was the least valuable coin in circulation.

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鼻子上的螨虫怎么样才能彻底消除呢?The mite bug on nose how Where is ability comb-out?

石灰树也有自己的胆,由尘螨引起的。The lime tree too has its own gall, caused by a mite.

一种药剂,用于杀灭引起发痒的疥疮的小虫。A drug that destroys the itch mite that causes scabies.

目的检测尘螨变应原的稳定性。Objective To detect the stability of the mite allergen.

植绥螨是控制荔枝瘿螨及其他害螨的有效天敌。Erineum mite is a important hurtful mites attacking lychee.

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枸杞瘤瘿螨的发生与危害。Occurence And Harm of The Gall Mite Infesting Lycium barbarum L.

尘螨可能是诱发和加重该病的变应原。Mite may be the allergen that induces and aggravates the disease.

绿蜘蛛与红蜘蛛开始了谈判,但没有结果。Green spiders and spider mite began negotiations, but to no avail.

疥疮是由疥螨引发的一种皮肤病。Scabies is a skin condition caused by a mite called Sarcoptes scabiei.

对屋尘螨和粉尘螨过敏的人要怎么治疗?。How should be allergic to house dirt mite and dust mite person treated?

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革螨种多度分布用对数正态分布模型拟合。A lognormal distribution model was used to fit the mite species abundance.

这只螨只有一毫米的不到千分之二,直逼这种技术的尺度极限。At less than two-tenths of a millimeter long, the mite pushed the limits of the method.

枸杞瘿螨是危害枸杞的主要螨类,危害广泛而严重。Aceria macrodonis is a major mite that endangers Lycium chinense abundently and severely.