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逗留时期的花费也在增加。The cost of his internment is also mounting.

两年前,国会为拘留一事正式道歉。Two years ago, Congress formally apologized for the internment.

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它的所有医院心山集中营的遗迹。It's all that remains of the hospital at Heart Mountain Internment Camp.

在这些山基地是一个拘留营的详细图纸。At the base of these mountains is a detailed drawing of an internment camp.

我是否感到日裔美国人在第二次世界大战期间遭受的拘押与我相干?Do I identify with the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War Two?

在2010年夏天,一个电影摄制组将采访时从一个拘留设施的逃跑。In the summer of 2010, a video crew will interview an escapee from an internment facility.

本周匈牙利极右党MEP要求拘捕大批吉普赛人。This week an MEP from Jobbik, a far-right Hungarian party, called for the mass internment of Roma.

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不久之后,美国政府强迫美国西海岸日裔美国人生活在拘留营。Shortly after, the United States government forced Japanese-Americans on the West Coast to live in internment camps.

联邦政府迁往加州和其他州进入集中营的日裔美国人数千人。The federal government relocated thousands of Japanese-Americans in California and other states into internment camps.

加上该国政府的经济情况,根本不足以自行提供人道援助,所以许多被强制塞进拘留难民营的人民和伤患都需要国际的人道援助。Many of those crammed into internment camps require humanitarian assistance that the government is not financially equipped to provide.

山崎先生的雇主不解雇他。他的保护,拘留他的父母。他们搬到他在纽约的小家。Mister Yamasaki's employer did not dismiss him. And he protected his parents from internment. They moved to his small home in New York.

被关在拘留营的日本人中有三分之二为美国公民,几十年后美国政府最终作出道歉。Two-thirds of those that were put in the internment camps were American citizens, and decades later the American government finally apologized.

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美国总统富兰克林罗斯福于2月19日签署了行政命令9066号,把西岸全部美籍人日本人扔进了收容所。U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066 on February 19, uprooting Japanese Americans on the west coast to be sent to Internment camps.

当然,在玩具中发现铅和政治犯的事情是错误的,而那些给婴儿喝毒奶粉、非法引渡、不经审判拘留的事情呢?Of course, finding lead in toys and political prisoners are wrong, but what about the chemicals in our baby bottles, extreme rendition, and internment without trial?

那些向卫报述说遭遇的人们也提到了在拘禁帐篷里的糟糕状况,在那里食物、水及药品非常非常缺乏。Those who spoke to the Guardian also described dismal conditions inside the internment camps, where they said food, water and medicine were in desperately short supply.

虽然格罗姆?地狱咆哮和他的战歌氏族逃离了追捕,但死亡之眼和他的血窟氏族却被囚禁在了洛丹伦的俘虏收容所中。Though Grom Hellscream and his Warsong clan managed to evade capture, Deadeye and his Bleeding Hollow clan were rounded up and placed in the internment camps in Lordaeron.

作为他的人民所获得新生的象征,萨尔回到了布莱克摩尔的敦霍尔德城堡并解放了收容所中的兽人。To symbolize his people's rebirth, Thrall returned to Blackmoore's fortress of Durnholde and put a decisive end to his former master's plans by laying siege to the internment camps.

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举个例子在1988年,罗纳德里根总统签署了一项法案,向在二战中被拘禁的日裔美国人进行赔偿和正式道歉。In 1988, for example, President Ronald Reagan signed legislation, complete with reparations, extending a formal apology for Japanese-American internment on American soil during World War II.

在满怀热情地纪念心脏山重新安置中心的同时,人们付出了更广泛的努力,记录并修复和日裔集中营有关的遗址,同时,让年老的幸存者仍然能够分享他们的经历。The drive to memorialize Heart Mountain coincides with a broader push to document and restore sites associated with Japanese internment while aging survivors are still able to share their stories.