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梓博传短讯给黑天使,表示知道对方是可欣。Catalpa bo send text messages to dark angel, said know each other is a hin.

梓博要求业主尽快维修单位,业主诸多推搪。Catalpa Po for repair units as soon as possible the owner, the owner of lining.

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后梓博又替可欣把座地灯拿去更换她喜爱的颜色。Catalpa after Po and take a ground lamp replacement for can hin her favorite color.

周寅谱夫妇跟罗派克一起难过的将梓薇埋葬,蓝如烟也心痛不已。Zhou Yin spectrum couple with ROM parker sad buried catalpa eu, blue smoke also heartache.

淑芬替儿子求签,签文指梓博命中注定甚么事也有两次选择机会。Shu Finn for son pray, sign the text refers to the catalpa Po what destiny has two choices.

我的心也仿佛被什么东面楸痛,毕竟她是我的初恋啊!My heart also seems to be what the east of Catalpa pain, after all, she is my first love ah!

梓博指李丹父母认定女儿是智毅害死的,但智毅可能是被冤枉的。Catalpa pointed to lisa parents decided that her daughter is ZhiYi killed, but ZhiYi may be wronged.

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可欣把大脚八的字母牌埋在沙滩,三个好友及梓博安慰她。Can we put feet eight letters card buried in the sand and three friends and catalpa bo to comfort her.

一想到这些生老病死,世事无常,我心里就一直楸着像上了链条。A thought of the illness and death, the world is ever changing, my mind has been on the chain, as the Catalpa.

安居买了电影戏票,要求梓博在翠花面前撒谎,让翠花与他一同往欣赏。To buy the movie tickets and asked for catalpa lying in front of the cui flower, let cui flower to enjoy with him.

梓博问智毅何时补考,智毅谓未决定,又问梓博觉得自己是否适合做大律师。Catalpa bo asked when ZhiYi make-up examination, ZhiYi call not decided, asked whether catalpa bo felt for barristers.

秀吉盛气凌人,要求谢用梓同意将朝鲜下三道割让给日本,并威胁要继续进军。For show, thrusting, xie with catalpa agrees to north Korea next three was ceded to Japan, and threatened to continue.

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本论文主要是研究楸树在云台山地区的生长规律和林分结构。This paper is to research on the growth regularity and stand structure of Manchurian Catalpa tree in Yuntai mountainous area.

以梓木为对象,采用百度试验法对其干燥特性进行了初步研究。The research on drying characteristics and schedule of Catalpa ovata was conducted through a series of test with 100℃-test method.

古船木都是些百年的老木,主要有铁力木、石头椎、昆甸木、楸木等。Ancient Boat wood are more a hundred years old trees, mainly Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland's wood, such as Catalpa wood.

梓博寄信申请做见习大律师,淑芬把信封逐一察看,也逐一评价,指智毅最好,更是她的至爱。Catalpa bo letter apply for trainee barrister, one by one, check the envelope, and each evaluation, point ZhiYi best, even her beloved.

自贡盐商发家致富之后,曾对有益桑梓的社会公益事业作出了不可忽视的贡献。After getting rich of Zigong's salt merchants, they did contribution for social commonweal cause such as conducing mulberry and catalpa.

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智毅表示想随他学习须在两年前申请,靖姿已是一个例外,但仍答应给梓博面试机会。ZhiYi said want to follow him to learn to be in for two years ago, jing posture is an exception, but still promised catalpa bo interview.

廉署表示有市民投诉梓博要求他们写嘉许信,作为优先处理个案的条件,梓博到廉署接受问话。The icac says a citizen complaint letter recognition catalpa bo asked them, as a condition of priority case, catalpa bo to the icac for questioning.

当梅泽正得意自己的安排时却看到梓薇带人游行要求抵制日货,帮肖寅谱度过了此次危机。When MeiZeZheng satisfied own arrangement only to see catalpa eu people marching to boycott Japanese goods, helping XiaoYin spectrum through the crisis.