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广告客户可以创建广告。An advertiser can create an ad.

管理员可以查看广告商和出版商。Can Delete or edite a Advertiser Ad.

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广告客户可以登录到网络中。An advertiser can log in to the network.

广告客户可以在网络中注册。An advertiser can register on the network.

这个广告人似乎是江郎才尽了。This advertiser seems to have exhausted his wits.

如果我是广告客户我早就反抗了。If I was an advertiser I would be fighting already.

那个报幕员嗓音柔和、笑容灿烂。The advertiser has a gentle voice and a radiant smile.

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其实,每个广告人都有那灵光一现的时刻。Instead, each advertiser has had its own little eureka moment.

当广告客户“赞助”或“拥有”网站的某一页面或板块时,可投放这一广告。When an advertiser "hosts" or "owns" a page or section of a website.

报幕员本应该说什么,最后却说成了什么?What should the advertiser have said and what did he actually say instead?

您很快就需要查找该类,但是首先需要让广告客户登录。You will look at that class soon, but first you need to let the advertiser log in.

但是明确广告主和读者之间的关系是至关重要的。But making sure that the relationship between advertiser and reader is clear is essential.

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这张照片展现了一个26岁但仍像所有的年轻人一样怀揣着奥运梦想的他。The Advertiser picture shows the 26-year-old as a youngster on the road to his Olympic dream.

当用户的某个朋友为一家广告商友情赞助的时候,信标技术和社交广告就会向他们发送一条提醒或者展示一条广告。These formats send users an alert or display ad when one of their pals patronizes an advertiser.

这段代码完成的主要工作是检查广告客户挑选的名称是否已被占用。The main thing this does is check to see if the name the advertiser picked has already been taken.

点击率肯定没有转换效果,必须使用投资回报率,来为广告客户带来的真正价值。Click rates are definitely no conversion, the ROI must be defined as a real value for the advertiser.

那天晚上唯一逗人发笑的是节目开始前的一位广告员的讲话。The only funny things we heard that evening came from the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.

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那天晚上一个有趣的事件是节目开端时这个报幕员的开场白。The only funny stuff we Listend these evening arrived since the advertiser at the beginning of the programme.

广告商夸大了他想出售的商品的利益,因此他歪曲了事实的真相。The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth.

除了电视广告,黎创富努力发展更多的媒体和广告的合作机会。In fact, he has tried to find more cooperation opportunities for media and advertiser except of TV advertising.