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如果珍妮支持我,帮助我,我就有了像家一样的安全感。If Jeanine is holding me, helping me, I am home.

我笑着站了起来,并伸手出去和珍妮握手告别。I stood and smiled and offered Jeanine a handshake.

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在她的女儿吉玛出生后,她搬回家了。After her daughter, Gemma, was born, Jeanine moved back home.

在上色前先在眼睑上扫上中性色彩的眼影。Before applying color, Jeanine preps the lid with a neutral shadow.

珍妮笑了起来,连连点头,仿佛在说她听明白了,眼睛还闪着兴奋的光芒。Jeanine laughed, nodding as if to say that she understood. Her eyes gleamed.

我不停地想,要是珍妮跟我在一起,那么我会渡过难关,我会好起来。I kept thinking, If Jeanine is with me, I can live through this. I can be okay.

我和珍妮又在一起了,所不同的是,这次我们的汽车后座上多了一个婴儿座位。Jeanine and I were together again, this time with a baby seat in the back of the car.

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我认识珍妮是在35年前,那时我13岁。I met Jeanine on my first day of high school, more than 35 years ago, at the age of 13.

那天晚上,我给家里打电话时,简妮正在伤心,因为她发现企鹅不见了。That night when I called home, Jeanine was very upset that the penguin had disappeared.

以个人系列服务于名流的化妆师珍宁知道如何运用这些颜色。As a celebrity makeup artist with her own line, Jeanine knows all about working with these colors.

高中毕业,我进入地方议会作实习议员,并结交了新的朋友。As high school progressed, I became a student council officer and made friends by the score. Jeanine?

但是当癌症再一次光临并降临在我丈夫丹头上时,珍妮来了。But when cancer came to the door again, this time to claim my husband, Dan, Jeanine came, too, unbidden.

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正如NPR新闻的珍妮·赫博斯特报道的政府表示美国家庭财富在第四季度取得了很大的进展。As NPR's Jeanine Herbst reports the government says U. S. household wealth made great strides in the fourth quarter.

卫斯理安大学电影研究部的主席珍宁•贝辛格,将之称为“保罗•穆尼困扰”。Jeanine Basinger, chairwoman of the film studies department at Wesleyan University, calls this “the Paul Muni problem.”

冈州波特兰市一傢服饰精品店展示她的作品时,一位妇女向她走过来。Jewelry designer Jeanine Payer was showing her wares in a boutique in Portland, Ore. , recently when a woman approached her.

此外,布罗迪还告诉陪审团,2009年杜根的大脑扫描,说明不了当年他杀死吉奈恩-尼卡里科时,他的大脑是个什么样子。Moreover, Brodie told the jury, Dugan's brain scan in 2009 says nothing about what his brain was like when he killed Jeanine Nicarico.

我想告诉珍妮她是一个很大方的人,很感激她给我带来的温暖,尽管那对她来说可能不算什么。I wanted to tell Jeanine that she was a generous soul, and that, even if it was nothing to her, I appreciated the simple warmth that she extended to me.

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我说了数千次道歉的话,还通过写信、写卡片塞进她公寓的门缝里,请求她的理解,但是她都倔强地拒绝了。I said thousands of words, through the crack under her apartment door, in letters, in cards, pleading with Jeanine to understand. But she was stubborn and wouldn't forgive me.

当我们一起走时,珍妮得扶着我的胳膊,而我总是带着自己那些其他人不能理解的问题,其他人无法使我度过难关的问题去找珍妮,从这种意义上说,我在一年之中不知要依靠她多少次。Jeanine has to lean on my arm when we walk. But I have to lean on her a hundred times a year, when I turn to her with problems no one else understands, problems no one else can see me through.