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小甲虫如何毁了黄石公园?How a Tiny Beetle Could Decimate Yellowstone

她强大的武器装备可以轻易地让任何和她遭遇的护航舰队灰飞烟灭。Her range of weaponry could easily decimate any convoy she encountered.

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西尔伯说税收的回落可能会大大减少为贫困人口提供的基本服务。Silber says the tax rollback would decimate basic services for the needy.

毁灭战舰应该被用于远距离大批屠杀步兵和攻击单位。Devastators should be used to decimate infantry and attack units at very long ranges.

坏的政策可以毁掉社会结构,而好的政策也只能稍稍地改进社会结构。Bad policy can decimate the social fabric, but good policy can only modestly improve it.

装备有强大的火焰喷射器,他们能够大量杀伤团聚在一起的敌人军队。Armed with a powerful flame-thrower, they can decimate large numbers of clustered enemy troops.

如今,专家们担心有一种恶性真菌可能会毁灭被他们认为存活的几千只山鸡蛙。Now experts fear a virulent fungus could decimate the few thousand frogs they estimate survive.

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隐匿的女妖轰炸机消灭了巨像,并配合地面部队消灭了神族地面部队。The banshees cloak and attack the colossi as the terran ground forces decimate the protoss infantry.

虽然在武器的数量和质量上都处于劣势,但这个年轻的蓝皮肤指挥官还是给入侵者造成重创。The young blue-skinned commander was able to decimate the intruders despite inferior weapons and numbers.

但是他们对于政府提出裁军、削减工资及晋升机会的愤怒无论如何都是存在的。But there was anger at government proposals to decimate armed forces numbers and cut back wages and promotions.

我们已经看到你们无视法则毁灭地球母亲,毁灭她的水源,地面和天空。We have watched you under the ruling thumb of the dark decimate Mother Earth, ruining her waters, ground, and sky.

当然,“长期”也是相对的。正如任何投资者都知道的,持续的熊市能拖垮一只组合基金。Of course, "over time" is a relative term. As any stock investor knows, prolonged bear markets can decimate a portfolio.

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有可能是与人类共同达到该岛的波利尼西亚鼠类,吃掉了大量的种子促成了棕榈树的大批死亡。It is possible that Polynesian rats, arriving with human settlers, may have eaten enough seeds to help to decimate the trees.

我担心如果不干预的话,就像现在正发生的一样,这些东西将摧毁彝族人、彝族地区和彝族的文化。I feared that, without intervention, these things would decimate the Yi people and destroy the area and the culture as we know it.

但是,食品工业昨日抨击这个做法是危险的不现实的,而且极有可能毁掉英国农业。However, the food industry yesterday slammed the idea as 'dangerous', 'totally unrealistic' and likely to decimate British agriculture.

如果一个超级火山喷发足够大的话,它能够几年内逐步摧毁超过大半作物,进而造成大面积的饥荒。If sufficiently large, a supereruption could decimate crops over half a continent for several years in a row, causing widespread famine.

如果爆发的足够大,它可以连续多年大批杀害超过陆地一般以上的农作物,进而造成大范围的饥荒。If sufficiently large, a supereruption could decimate crops over half a continent for several years in a row, causing widespread famine.

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科学家发现了引发无害的蝗虫组成成千上万蝗虫群体的原因,这些蝗群大规模破坏发展中国家的农作物。Scientists have discovered the trigger that can transform harmless locusts into swarms of billions that decimate crops across the developing world.

“我们已经能消灭基地组织,而且肯定奥萨马.本.拉登不会再在这个地球上出现,”奥巴马说。“那就是变化。”"We've been able to decimate al-Qaeda and make sure that Osama bin Laden never again walks on the face of this Earth," Obama said. "That's change."

在这个各大环保组织不断提醒人们警惕过度捕捞的时代,有一个保护组织却鼓励渔民将一种鱼类赶尽杀绝,这真的非比寻常。At a time when environmental groups are warning about over-fishing, it's unusual for a conservation group to encourage fishers to decimate a species.