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我的头很晕。My head is spinning.

陀螺在旋转。The top is spinning.

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炮管旋转中。Gun barrels spinning.

想象一个陀螺的上部。Think of a spinning top.

你们的思维开始运转了吗The cogs are spinning now?

这个方向旋转。Spinning in this direction.

她用纺车纺纱。She span on a spinning wheel.

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那只蜘蛛正在结网。The spider was spinning a web.

所有的盘子都在飞旋。Keep all those plates spinning.

在真正的木纺车上。On real wooden spinning wheels.

它朝这个方向在旋转。It is spinning in this direction.

将稻草编制成傻瓜的金子Spinning Straw into Fool ’ s Gold

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男孩子们正在抽陀螺玩。The boys are spinning their tops.

抽陀螺,还很有进攻性。Spinning top, also very offensive.

超大口径的采用旋压加工。Large diameter by spinning process.

汽车的发动机连于后轮时,汽车即动。The wheels of the car were spinning.

旋转的陀螺正在失去动量。The spinning top was losing momentum.

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我感到晕晕乎乎的,觉得房间在旋转。I feel faint and the room is spinning.

转动方向盘不累吗?Tired of spinning that steering wheel?

我们听到了纺车的嗡嗡声。We heard the whirr of the spinning wheel.