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所以他一直没能升官。So he had got none of any advancement.

党的先进性是历史的和具体的。Our Party's advancement is historical and concrete.

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我们得不到与男同事一样的晋升机会。We don't have the same opportunities for advancement.

这种证书将帮助他们得到晋升。This certification will aid them in their advancement.

你的晋升取决于你自己的价值,即你的能力。Your advancement depends on your worth ——your ability.

这是社会前进的必然规律。This is an inexorable law governing social advancement.

大多数父母都为自己孩子的进步感到焦虑。Most parents are anxious for their children's advancement.

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由此证明了该技术的先进性和可靠性。It proves the reliability and advancement of the technology.

未来如何携手合作促进台湾艺术教育领域的发展?How shall we collaborate for the advancement of arts education?

我是一个自傲的人,这限制了我作为战士的发展前途。I was a prideful man, which limited my advancement as a soldier.

新制度给与个人较少的升迁机会。The new system leaves less opportunity for personal advancement.

我不认为社会发展会,一直是个悲剧。And it's not occured to me society advancement is always a tragedy.

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我希望有一个提供升职机会的工作。I hope that I can get a job which guaranties chances for advancement.

这对事业发展来说也是“必须的”,你要么发表文章,要么就湮没无闻。It is also a 'must' for career advancement — you 'publish-or-perish'.

很多关尚智的作品都是在展示一种没有个人得着的自我培训行动。Many of his tasks take the form of self-training without advancement.

人工智能的发展速度明显加快了。The advancement of artificial intelligence is unarguably accelerating.

嘉定的发展也记录着时代前进的足音。The development of Jiading also embodies the advancement of the times.

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于佛法王欲得亲近,求其善法,以自增长。They wish to approach Buddha, king of the Law, to achieve advancement.

书法的发展推动了中文字体设计的进程。The calligraphy development impelled Chinesetypeface design advancement.

每行进给量图文影排机或印字机的纸张向前移动一行的数量。Line feed Advancement of paper in an image setter or printer by one line.