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直升机飞过池塘时,她潜入的水面立即被燃烧的碎片所环绕。She surfaces amid burning debris as the gunship flies on.

他和猎人们举起机甲沉重的机械臂,用臂上的GAU90瞄准一个正在靠近的武装直升机。He and the hunters lift the heavy arm, aiming the GAU 90 at an approaching gunship.

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其实,炮艇里的人影在电影里模糊不清、难以辨认。In reality, the figures inside the gunship are indistinct and anonymous in the movie.

在三年以前中国为它的Z-10武装直升飞机安装加拿大PT6C-67C型发动机。Three years ago China installed Canadian PT6C-67C engines in its Z-10 helicopter gunship.

我们不能冒侵犯苏联领空的风险,不过我会在直升机里的。We can'trisk violating Soviet airspace, but I'll be in the gunship. My frequency is140.85.

这使得它有媲美阿帕奇武装直升机的打击能力。This effectively gave it a strike capability similar to that of an Apache helicopter gunship.

科雷利亚炮艇从圆柱形驾驶舱到三组亚光速引擎长120米。The gunship is 120 meters in length, from cylindrical cockpit to triple bank of sublight engines.

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卢米娜拉炮艇的机鼻标志是一个克隆人士兵结结实实地踢了杜库伯爵一脚。The nose-art on Luminara's gunship has a clone trooper quite literally giving Count Dooku the boot.

他们由AC-130武装直升机的掩护,并在完成任务后乘直升机撤离。They were supported by an AC-130 gunship and whisked away by helicopters after completing the mission.

GEOS主要通过尼警方船只或小型的海军舰船的帮助保护客户的船只.GEOS typically protects its clients' ships with help from a Nigerian police boat or small navy gunship.

在一起骇人听闻的事件中,他们详细地记录了在2007年的2月,美军是如何用阿帕奇武装直升机杀死了两名男人的。In one chilling incident they detail how an Apache helicopter gunship gunned down two men in February 2007.

该炮艇回避了科雷利亚设计中典型的多功能特性,而专为太空战设计。Eschewing the versatility typically found in Corellian designs, the gunship is designed solely for space combat.

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杭多·奥纳卡在弗洛勒姆的院子堆满了剩余军事物资,包括共和国攻击炮艇艇翼和大炮。Hondo Ohnaka's compound on Florrum is filled with military surplus, including Republic attack gunship wings and artillery guns.

也有未经证实的报道称,巴基斯坦已经从莫斯科订购米35重型攻击武装直升机。There have also been unconfirmed reports that Pakistan had placed an order for Mi-35 heavy assault gunship helicopters from Moscow.

一架美国军用武装直升飞机在一次发生在巴格达的臭名昭著的事件中在伊拉克叛乱分子已经试图投降后却仍然把他们杀害了。A US helicopter gunship involved in a notorious Baghdad incident had previously killed Iraqi insurgents after they tried to surrender.

每一架有机翼的炮艇都布满武器,提供空对地和空对空的支援,同时充当运兵船。Each winged gunship was covered in weapons, offering air-to-ground and air-to-air support as well as serving as an infantry transport.

自从冲突在一星期前爆发以来,巴基斯坦军队的武装直升机一直在对暴乱分子活动地点进行无情的打击。Pakistan army gunship helicopters relentlessly pounded insurgent positions since the clashes broke out in the border region a week ago.

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由科雷利亚工程公司制造的科雷利亚炮艇是一款可追溯到克隆人战争时期的战斗专用太空船。Manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, the Corellian gunship is a dedicated combat space vehicle that dates back to the Clone Wars.

他自己也几乎遇难,当时一架日本战机把他的鱼雷艇截成两半,他被抛入水中,但他从水里救起另一名水手,一起安然逃生。He nearly lost his own life, too, when a Japanese gunship cut his PT boat in half, casting him into the water, from which he swam a crewmate to safety.

复制人战争当中,分离邦联发展这架碟型机器人战机,作为共和攻击炮艇胜利的回应。The Confederacy developed this dish-shaped droid gunship in response to the victories won by the powerful Republic attack gunship during the Clone Wars.