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陶尓迷在这样的剧情中似乎远离现实。Amid such drama, Taormina seemed to sidestep reality.

你应尽可能地回避像这类敏感的问题。Try your best to sidestep for sensitive issues like this.

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听从拉尔森说得这些步骤可以跨过常见的错误。So follow these steps from Larson to sidestep some all-too-common mistakes

用情专一的男人们可以借此避开征婚市场上的繁文缛节。Uxorious-minded men could sidestep the marriage market's elaborate and costly etiquette.

六是农业科技园区建设将迈上新台阶。Sixthly, the construction of agricultural science and technology garden will step onto a new sidestep.

要看到回到一战甚至是太空战争的作品会很意思。It’d be really interesting to see it wind back to World War I, perhaps, or sidestep genres into spacewar.

她是否会诚实并回答你某件重大事宜,还是用一个十分敷衍且模糊的答案规避这个问题。Will she be honest and say something significant or sidestep the question with a rather pat and unrevealing answer.

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这场战争的缘由是因为书籍商找到了一个精明的方法,能避开在苹果平台上出售商品的规则。This all started because booksellers found a clever way to sidestep Apple’s rules about selling stuff on its platform.

为了规避这个禁令,全国的市级政府设立了许多体制外的实体去借款。To sidestep that prohibition, municipalities across the country have created off-the-books entities to do the borrowing.

虽然Facebook能够为聪明的专业人士和求职者建立关键的交际网,但是还是有很多的缺陷要克服。While Facebook enables savvy professionals and job seekers to build key connections, there are also many pitfalls to sidestep.

如果我带着4公斤毒品遭到逮捕,那我也会声称自己有精神问题来试图逃避责任。If I was caught with 4Kg of scag , I would claim mental to try and sidestep responsibility to. SO mental that I was able to contact.

在这种情况下,提交系统其余的部分没有任何意义,除非你可以扩大或者回避这个瓶颈。In this case, there's no point in making the rest of your systems deliver any more, unless you can widen or sidestep the bottleneck.

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通过敏锐的观察、勤快工作、乐于学习,你就能给别人留下一个很好的印象,从而避开这些难以弥补的错误。By being perceptive, engaged, and willing to learn, you can make a great impression and sidestep these hard-to-recover-from faux pas.

Kayak在2007年收购了Sidestep,巩固了在元搜索领域的第一名的位置,它验证了先行者并不一定是最后的赢家。Kayak bought Sidestep in 2007, consolidating metasearch 1 and 2 and confirming that first mover advantage is not a guarantee of success.

假如性别和对称性会这样混在一起,那么没有原因这样的现象会跳过对大脑的影响,Steeves也认为大脑同样受此影响。If sex and symmetry get mixed up this way, there's no reason the phenomenon should sidestep the brain, and Steeves does not think it does.

今天,一款试图回避理想氢公路三大障碍的概念车在伦敦揭开面纱。A concept car that attempts to sidestep the three main hurdles to the dream of hydrogen-fuelled highways was unveiled in London, UK, today.

即使现在,奥巴马政府原本依然可以采取不多的选项中的一项,利用合法的手段,回避债务上限问题。And even now, the Obama administration could have resorted to legal maneuvering to sidestep the debt ceiling, using any of several options.

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先前的研究人员设法用凝胶聚合物电解质来避开这个问题,但是仍会含有易燃的溶剂。Previous researchers had tried to sidestep this problem by using gel polymers for the electrolyte, but even these contained flammable solvents.

Kayak与Swoodoo的交易是自2007年末它收购竞争对手——美国元搜索网站Sidestep后的第一个重要的收购计划。The Swoodoo deal is the first significant step on the acquisition trail for Kayak since it bought rival US metasearch site Sidestep in late-2007.

无论看起来多么诱人,你也不可能跳过“高级初学者”的阶段,从“新手”直接达到“胜任”水平而不犯任何错误。However tempting it seems, you can't sidestep the advanced beginner stage and go from novice to competent without ever stepping outside the lines.