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我曾经把我的胡子卡在电池播种机里,花了我三个半小时把它们弄出来。It took me three and a half hours to untangle it.

它起因打结这是很不容易理清。It causes knotting which is not at all easy to untangle.

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使用宽齿的梳子来梳理头发。Use a wide-toothed comb rather than a brush to untangle hair.

他被撞见拼命想要解开几盘缠在一起的胶卷。He was found desperately trying to untangle several reels of film.

警方赶紧把被绑匪关着的剩下的那个孩子解救了出来。The Police hurried to untangle the remaining children barred by the abductor.

有时,也有可能在空中解开缠绕的降落伞,但这次没有。Sometimes it is possible to untangle the chutes in the air, but not this time.

要理清完美主义和健康之间复杂的关系还有很多的工作要做。More work is needed to untangle the intricate relationship between perfectionism and health.

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这些交易另一个麻烦的方面是,当这些交易失败时需要多久才能清理完哪。Another troubling aspect of these deals is how long it takes to untangle them when they go awry.

双方相互指责对方仇视自己,一时让人不明真相。With both sides blaming each other for the animosity, it is often difficult to untangle the truth.

当我们为难处心乱如麻,安静吧。神要我们安静,然后他才能解开症结。When we get tangled up in our problems, be still. God wants us to be still so He can untangle the knot.

即便无需在苹果系列产品中找出个头绪来,圣诞的最后一刻采购已经足够令人倍感压力。Last-minute Christmas shopping is stressful enough without having to untangle Apple's product matrix too.

如果您有兴趣尝试了这一点,未来和解开可以为您提供免费的演示为您试试。If you are interested in trying this out, Futuregen and Untangle can provide you with a free demo for you try out.

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未来很荣幸被任命为经销商提供服务的解开,马来西亚,新加坡和菲律宾市场。Futuregen is honored to be appointed as reseller for Untangle to serve the Malaysian, Singaporean and Philippine Market.

最近的十年,科学家们在复杂器官的研究里越陷越深,仍在努力解开心理疾病的迷网。The most recent decade has seen scientists enmeshed deeper in the convoluted organ, still trying to untangle the webs of mental illness.

为阐明二者的关系,研究者对研究开始时无认知障碍征象的947名老年人进行了测试。To untangle the connection, the researchers tested 947 elderly people who had no signs of cognitive impairment at the start of the study.

癌症细胞和正常细胞差异极大,要理清造成这种差异的事件的先后顺序几乎是不可能的。Cancer cells are so radically different from normal ones that it's almost impossible to untangle the sequence of events that made them that way.

蔡妈妈的语气中充满了傲慢,而且我花了很长时间试图从那种不动声色中去寻找一丝真诚。Chua's tone is arrogant but filled just the same with bullseye observations, and I spent a long time trying to untangle the sincere from the deadpan.

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如果你诚心地开始要去学会如何解决自己的麻烦,你就会发现即便那些对”纯粹需求“会躲闪的人们也会开始给你提供建议。If you honestly set out to learn how to untangle your own snafus , you'll find that even people who shy away from raw neediness start offering advice.

而且,经历过这一切后,宝宝出来是面向下和倒过来的,意味着你没办法协助,或者甚至不能帮忙解开脐带。And then, after all that, the baby comes out facing down and backwards, which means you’re helpless to assist it, or even to untangle it from the umbilical cord.

他需要时间去思考,去追溯所发生的一切,也许同时能解开这一团乱麻,想出一个解决办法。He needed rime to think, to trace back all of what had happened, the same way he might untangle a fishing line on a reel. Maybe then find a way out of the trouble.