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阴天的夜空既看不到牛郎星,也看不到北斗星。We can see neither Altair or Ursa Major in the cloudy night sky.

在星座大熊座,完成与解释和用户指南。In the constellation Ursa Major, complete with explanation and user guide.

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天枢,北斗星的母星座大熊星座的北斗一即在右上方。Dubhe, alpha star of the dipper's parent constellation Ursa Major is at the upper right.

它是高在北天空在极地周围的星座大熊座,大熊星座。It is high in the northern sky in the circumpolar constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear.

实际上,北斗七星归属大熊星座,或成为大熊。The Big Dipper actually belongs to the constellation Ursa Major, otherwise known as the Big Bear.

可能是最有名的星座,大熊座的星星组成了一个大熊和大勺。Probably the best known constellation , the stars of Ursa Major make up the Great Bear and the Big Dipper.

左边是M97在大熊座,又称北半球的夜枭星云。On the left is M97 in the constellation Ursa Major, also known in the northern hemisphere as the Owl Nebula.

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答案是,如果你只看到一个,那很有可能是大熊星座。The answer is that, if you're seeing only one dipper, it's probably the Big Dipper in the constellation Ursa Major.

在希腊神话传说中,北斗七星的三星符号象征着大熊星座的后臀和尾巴。In Greek myth, the Big Dipper asterism represents the hindquarters and tail of the constellation Ursa Major, the Great Bear.

卡利斯托一位宙斯心爱的女神,被赫拉所憎恨并被她变为一只熊,后来宙斯将她送到天空中,成为大熊星座。A nymph, beloved of Zeus and hated by Hera. Hera changed her into a bear, and Zeus then placed her in the sky as the constellation Ursa Major.

贝儿得到一个照相机,他打算把大熊之家的里里外外都拍照,寄给他远在西班牙的好友奥纱。Bear has a camera, and his bug idea for today is to take pictures of his favorite parts of the Big Blue House to send to his friend, Ursa , in Spain!

距离大熊星座约1千2百万光年的波德星系是从地球上通过望远镜看到的最明亮的星系之一。Located about 12 million light-years away in the Ursa Major constellation, M81 is among the brightest of the galaxies visible by telescope from Earth.

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其中最有名的要数大熊座和北斗七星,几乎紧贴在图片中央附近悬崖边缘的右上方。Most noticeable are the stars of Ursa Major and the asterism known as the Big Dipper, almost resting upright along the cliff edge near picture center.

M81位于大熊座星系里,是一个美丽的螺旋星系,也是地球上空肉眼可以看到的最明亮的星系之一。The big and beautiful spiral galaxy M81, in the northern constellation Ursa Major, is one of the brightest galaxies visible in the skies of planet Earth.

事实上,它很有可能是小熊星座大出版局所出的最卓越的书了---当然,也没有一个地球人听说过这个出版社。In fact it was probably the most remarkable book ever to come out of the great publishing houses of Ursa Minor – of which no Earthman had ever heard either.

这幅图描绘的是北天极区域,清晰可辨的北斗七星位于这张星图的底部,现在它是大熊座的一部分。In this example showing the north polar region, a very recognizable Big Dipper, part of the modern constellation Ursa Major, lies along the bottom of the chart.

它位于大约1200万光年的URSA患者主要星座,是其中最亮的星系这可以从地球上通过望远镜。It is located about 12 million light-years away in the Ursa Major constellation and is one of the brightest galaxies that can be seen from Earth through telescopes.

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你或者曾在夜晚欣赏美丽的星空,注意到有七颗星组成的星座,形状像个大杓子似的,那就是大熊星座里的北斗七星。If you have ever gazed at the stars, you may have noticed a group of seven stars shaped like a big soup ladle--this is the Big Dipper in the Ursa Major constellation.

我看到猎户座和昴星,大熊座和北冕座,我不仅在仰望星空,而且在瞻仰遥远的过去,我想我该有所启发。I see Orion and the Pleiades, Ursa Major and Corona Borealis, and think I should be inspired by the realization that I'm not only looking at the stars, but staring into the past as well.

我看到猎户座和昴星,大熊座和北冕座,我不仅在仰望星空,而且在瞻仰遥远的过去,我想我该有所启发。I see Orion and the Pleiades, Ursa Major and Corona Borealis, and think I should be inspired by the realization that I’m not only looking at the stars, but staring into the past as well.