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无论如何也不可能决定巴黎的建筑。It's by no means causative of the skyline of Paris.

胰腺癌唯一公认的致因是吸烟。The only well-established causative factor is cigarette smoking.

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我们不知道这是偶然因素,还是存在着某种诱发因素。We don’t know if it is coincidental or if there is some causative factor.

英汉使役心理动词按形态可分为四大类。English and Chinese psych causative verbs fall into four broad categories.

植株间间隔太小是作物歉收的原因。Too small spacing among the plant stands is causative of the crop failure.

英语中,部分名词或形容词可转化或派生为使役动词。In English, some nouns or adjectives can be converted to the causative verbs.

第四部分对反转致使句的进行了语用分析。The fourth part gives the pragmatics analysis on inverted causative sentence.

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第二部分分析了反转致使句的句法结构。The second part analyzes the syntax structure of inverted causative sentence.

究室的研究从未间断且针对传染的原因也已在调查中。Are ongoing and a candidate causative infectious agent is under investigation.

如果使役动物,则不能超出它们能力的承受范围。If the causative animal, it can not exceed the scope of their ability to withstand.

本文以统计手段来总结汉文化中使役方式的运用与情景制约的关系。The paper analyses the relationship between the use of causative means and situations.

脊髓灰质炎病毒一种肠道病毒,可分为三种血清型,它是导致脊髓灰质炎的媒介。An enterovirus separable into three serotypes that is the causative agent of poliomyelitis.

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用实验动物接种法,分离保存我国某养犬基地犬埃立克体病病原。The causative agent of canine ehrlichiosis had been isolated by animal infection experiment.

工具语义角色可以在使役动词的中动语态语句中作主语。The semantic role of instrument can be the subject in the middle clause of a causative verb.

汉语心理谓词使役成分的缺乏可能是导致学习者英语心理使役谓词习得困难的原因。This could partly be attributed to the lack of causative senses in Chinese psych predicates.

使役动词及其句型结构是英语的基本特色之一。The causative verbs and their sentence patterns are one of the English basic characteristics.

使役动词及其句型结构是英语的基本特色之一。This paper explores the properties of causation, causativized verb and causative construction.

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不论是在汉语还是在日语中,使役表达都是句子表达的一个重要组成部分。In Chinese, causative construction is one of the most important types of syntactic constructions.

世界卫生组织已证实病原是一种新发现的冠状病毒。The World Health Organization has confirmed a novel coronavirus to be the causative agent for SARS.

近年来的分子遗传学研究确定CYP1B1基因为PCG致病基因之一。Recently, CYP1B1 gene has been identified to be one of the PCG causative genes in recent researches.