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大雨把我的被子都浸湿了。The rain made my quilt soppy.

希腊男人被认为有点“过于缠绵”。Greek men were said to be a bit too soppy.

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这样说很甜蜜,但那是真的。It sounds really soppy saying it, but it's true.

`她呀,就是爱动感情,'她小弟弟说道。She's just a soppy girl, ' said her youngest brother.

她喜欢伤感的爱情故事、老电影以及诸如此类的东西。She loves soppy love stories, old films, that sort of thing.

我们在路边分手,没有太多感伤的情节也没有流泪。We parted at curbside , without too much soppy stuff and no tears.

我和我女朋友分手的时候,我整天只想看伤感电影,想哭。When I broke up with my girlfriend, I just wanted to watch soppy movies all day and cry.

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可能尤为重要的是,又用什么来取代能够产生泪满衣襟奇迹的古雅的情书呢?Perhaps most importantly, what could ever replace the soppy wonderment of the old-fashioned love letter?

熬夜,聆听收音机里传来的痴情的歌曲,重读旧情书,这又有何害处呢?Staying up late, listening to silly soppy songs on radio, re-reading old letters. Where's the harm in that?

我并不会因为你用你那湿漉漉的双眼望着我而作出让步,为给你吃的。不会,绝对不会。好吧,就这一次。If you look at me with those big soppy eyes, I'm not going to give in and feed you. NOT NOT NOT. Oh, ok, just this once.

他的裤腿上有一块湿的污渍,透过空空的裤管,你可以看到他的膝盖,以及身体的其它部分是如何骨瘦如柴。There was a soppy stain on his trousers and through it you could see just how bony his knees were. Like the rest of him.

当在货架上看到特别优惠的商品时,你会变得失去理性,认为自己非常幸运,使你认为自己应该归还这个人情,于是买了一堆不需要的东西。When you see special offers on the shelves, your rational brain tends to go soppy with thanks and makes you want to return the favour by splashing out on unnecessary items.

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不过取代姑娘们对小马驹和小狗的喜爱,海格更钟情于龙、巨型蜘蛛、三头犬、夜骐罢了。Only instead of being soppy about ponies or puppies or the colour pink, Hagrid's a rollover for dragons, giant spiders, three-headed monster dogs and giant meat-eating death-horses.

热切矛盾的弦乐伴奏和原本那种湿乎乎的情歌的缺失给他们所谓的“成熟”带来了大大的疑问,但是这些作品还是显示出了他们在经验方面惊人的进步。Applying the dubious word "mature" is open for heated debate string arrangements and soppy ballads are blessedly absent but the music definitely reflects a sharp increase in experience.

网民们会称赞这些躲在幕后的英雄,他们不再面对着家中的电视屏幕,因为那播出的是些乏味单调的情节剧、严肃古板的新闻报道、催人泪下和腻人的电影。Those unsung heroes are lauded by netizens, who are turned off domestic TV screens marred by stultifying melodramas, rigid formulaic news coverage, soppy tear-jerkers and saccharine films.