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阿尔弗雷德是威塞克斯的国王。Alfred was a king of Wes.

我停下,维斯眉开眼笑地望着我。I pause. Wes beams up at me.

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荡着清波从我的梦中流过。Its blue wes flow in my sweet dreams.

我还以为你真的能与熊交谈呢,维斯。I thought you could talk to bears, Wes.

整个世界或许都还没熟知你。Wes Mantooth, the world hardly knew you.

“那买两个护目镜呢?”维斯有些得寸进尺。"What about two goggles?" Wes wants to know next.

“8周是个很长的时间,”布朗告诉曼联电视。"Eight weeks is a long time, " Wes Brown told MUTV.

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虽然花了两个星期,最终我还是给维斯买到了帆布鞋。It takes two weeks but I finally find sneakers for Wes.

韦斯是一个跑轰球队最需求的乖巧型后卫。Wes was the kind of whippt guard a fast-breaking team needs.

我心跳加快,手腕很疼,维斯简直是在要我的命啊。My heart thumps fast. My wrist is hurting. Wes is killing me.

任何这些东西都讲得通,不过韦斯却说是“一台计算器”。Any of these would have made sense, but Wes said, "A calculator."

啊哈哈,放心吧,咱们自己家人,不给你给谁啊。Is aha! to admire, stop worrying, our wes household, don't give for you who.

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“来到曼联对于贝贝来说并不容易,”布朗说。"Coming to Manchester United is a very different experience for Bebe, " said Wes.

像“恐怖教父”韦斯·克雷文的那种恐怖电影。Like, "from master of horror Wes Craven", you know, that kind of stuff, you know.

与此同时,我签署命令,再给韦斯·克拉克增派176架飞机,继续施加压力。Meanwhile, we kept the pressure up, as I authorized 176 more aircraft for Wes Clark.

“这部电影中我喜欢的是它的幽默感---太有韦斯·安德森的风格了”她说。“What I love about the film is the sense of humor — it’s so Wes Anderson, ” she said.

韦斯·克拉克狂怒,我没有怪他,因为我知道我们不会开打第三次世界大战。Wes Clark was livid. I didn’t blame him, but I knew we weren’t on the verge of World War III.

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维斯不再揉捏三明治,但他的眼神因为我对圣诞魔法信心不足在责怪我。Wes pauses over his sandwich. His eyes reproach me for my scant faith in the magic of Christmas.

而终场哨吹响的时候内维尔和布朗也挂了。By the time the final whistle sounded, Gary Neville and Wes Brown had joined the walking wounded.

他们已经决定断绝一大块威斯克瑞一个新的宣布,黑莓开发商会议。They have decided to break off a chunk of WES with a new announced BlackBerry Developer Conference.