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那是一颗巨型豆茎!It was a giant beanstalk !

他快速的切了豆茎。He quickly cut the beanstalk.

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很快地,一株豆茎长出来。Soon, a beanstalk is growing.

这豆茎是长的还是短的?。Is the beanstalk tall or short?

这豆茎是长的还是短的?是长的。Is the beanstalk tall or short? It's tall.

杰克很早就醒了,他看见了豆茎。Jack wakes up early. He sees the beanstalk.

杰克沿着豆茎往下爬,速度非常快。Jack goes down the beanstalk. He is very fast.

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杰克又砍了一下,豆茎就开始往下倒。With one more chop the beanstalk began to fall.

最后,他们到达了豆茎树高高的树枝上。They reach the upper branches of the beanstalk tree.

他快速的拿了他们并爬下豆茎。He quickly took them and come back down the beanstalk.

第二天,花园里长出了一棵通天豆茎。The next day, there was a tall beanstalk in the garden.

也许魔豆家伙杰克只是一个真的很了不起的园丁。And Jack the beanstalk guy was just a real terrific gardener.

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您是如何知道青苗国际双语学校的?How did you learn about Beanstalk International Bilingual School?

杰克现在到了底端,他拿起一把斧头往豆茎砍。Now, Jack is at the bottom. He takes an ax and cuts the beanstalk.

那是一颗巨型豆茎!They seemed to disappear into the clouds. It was a giant beanstalk !

妈妈扔出去的豆子长成了一根巨大的豆茎!Why, the beans his mother threw out had grown into a huge beanstalk.

杰克现在到了底端,他拿起一把斧头往豆茎砍。Now, Jack is at the bottom. He takes an ax and cuts the beanstalk. Whack!

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豆茎一直向上长啊长,直到消失在云彩中。The beanstalk went up and up and up until it disappeared into the clouds.

第二天早上杰克看见一棵15米高的豆茎,直入云霄。Next morning Jack saw a green beanstalk 15 metres high, up into the clouds.

在“杰克与魔豆”中,杰克用计才没被食人魔兽吃掉。In "Jack and the Beanstalk" Jack play a trick on the ogre to keep from being eaten.