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我在海滩上看见了一艘腐烂的废船。I saw a rotting hulk on the beach.

封建主义的残余不会很快消失。The hulk of feudalism will not quickly fade away.

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早先,我们见识了难以置信的巨型狗小灵狗温迪。Earlier on we had the incredible hulk dog, Wendy the Whippet.

对于我来说,“绿巨人”是恐怖电影,对于我来说它是一部心理剧。To me, Hulk is really a horror film, and it's a psychodrama to me.

工厂的庞大身躯正好位于城市的中心地带。The great hulk of the factory sits right in the middle of the town.

而在另一边,一辆微型车被撞碎,被压在车身已扭曲的卡车下面。At another, a minibus lay crushed beneath the hulk of a jackknifed truck.

钢铁侠和绿巨人就是复仇者之中马维尔已经开发过的。Iron Man and the Hulk are among the Avengers that Marvel already has tapped.

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布鲁斯?班纳在吸收了炸弹爆炸中的辐射后,就变成了神奇绿巨人。Bruce Banner absorbed radiation in a bomb explosion and became The Incredible Hulk.

水下的残骸图片。生锈的废船一条遇难船坐在浅水区在图巴塔哈暗礁之外位于菲律宾。The rusted hulk of a shipwreck sits in shallow water off Tubbataha Reef in the Philippines.

烧焦的房体“飘扬”在北京的中央商务区上空,像一座纪念碑,时刻提醒人们不顾后果的“后果”。ITS charred hulk looms over Beijing’s central business district, a monument to recklessness.

6月的那个夜晚,肾上腺激素让他达到了极限,但并没有把他变成“绿巨人”。The adrenaline of that June night gave him an edge, but it didn't turn him into the Incredible Hulk.

但现在,不可思议的绿巨人登陆了遥远的星球SAKAAR,被残暴的红王所奴役。But now THE INCREDIBLE HULK crash-lands on the distant planet SAKAAR, ruled by the tyrannical RED KING.

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在一个场景中,达丽尔·汉纳穿着一件绿巨人T恤给杰夫·丹尼尔斯打电话。In one scene, Daryl Hannah wears an Incredible Hulk t-shirt while talking on the phone to 'Daniels, Jeff'.

在葡萄牙,他将胡尔克用作居右的二前锋,巴雷拉在左边提供宽度。In Portugal he used Hulk as a second striker to the right, and Silvestre Varela providing width on the left.

穆巴拉克先生的党总部矗立现在只不过是沿着尼罗河燃烧废船更多。The towering headquarters of Mr. Mubarak's party is now nothing more than a burnt hulk along the Nile River.

安度因静止的坐着,没有在听将军说,不相信眼前的死去的笨重身躯是父亲。Anduin sat motionless, hearing nothing the general said, looking at the dying hulk of his father in disbelief.

在漫画中维罗妮卡是贝蒂的死对头,而实际上绿巨人曾对一位叫贝蒂·罗斯的人有爱慕之情。Veronica was the rival of Betty in those comics, and Hulk actually used to have a love interest named Betty Ross.

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在汤普金斯广场举行的第19届万圣节狗狗游行中,一只小狗扮成神奇绿巨人的模样穿梭在人群中。A dog dressed as The Incredible Hulk flexes for the crowd at the 19th Annual Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade.

像绿巨人浩克这样的动漫人物发怒时,肤色会改变,并会获得神力。When cartoon book characters like the Incredible Hulk get angry, they change colours and often gain special power.

在漫画书中,僵尸是全身腐烂、食脑一族版本的蜘蛛侠,钢铁侠和绿巨人形象。In comic books, the Marvel Zombies series features rotting, brain-eating versions of Spider-Man, Iron Man and the Hulk.