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想成为一名助理法官或公证人。Want to be an assistant judge or notary.

担保人或公证人需要在哪里签署?Where do the sureties or Notary Public sign?

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他的遗嘱已经在公证处公证过了。His will has been notarized in the notary office.

那公证人惊异地望着伯爵。The notary looked at the count with astonishment.

根据公证法增加公证条款。Add a notary clause that complies with the notary law.

被吊销公证员执业证书的。His practicing certificate of a notary has been revoked.

公证质量是公证工作的生命线。The quality of notarization is the lifeline of notary work.

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男爵夫人这时已签过字,把笔交回给律师。The baroness, who had signed, returned the pen to the notary.

如果在这个国家你是一个公证人的话,你就能像个国王一样生活。If you're a notary public in this country, you live like a king.

公证遗嘱由遗嘱人经公证机关办理。A notarial will is one made by a testator through a notary agency.

正如这位管家所说的,那个公证人正在小客厅里等候伯爵。As the steward had said, the notary awaited him in the small salon.

他的工作不允许他离开,最后乔治来到公证处寻求帮助。Presence in China. At last, he goes to your notary office for help.

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公证制度是一项国际通行的预防性法律制度。Notary System is an internationally-accepted preventive legal system.

公证处的3名工作人员一人一点全程监督。Notary Division 3 staff members that the full supervision of a person.

公证员应当加入地方和全国的公证协会。A notary shall join in the local and national notarization associations.

公证书是由公证员出具或见证的正式证书。An authentic deed is a formal deed prepared by or executed before a notary.

公证处应当设立事业发展基金和责任赔偿基金。The notary office shall set up career developing fund and compensation fund.

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第九十四条在不能获得公证人情况下作成的拒绝证书。Article 94th notary public can not be made into a case of refusing the certificate.

许多年以后,我成了一名公证员,为很多人出具了很多公证书。Many years later, I become a notary , and have written many notarial papers for many people.

第六条公证员是专门从事公证事务的法律专业人员。Article 6 The notary is the legal professional that specially deals with the notarial affairs.