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谁把我的钢笔拿走了?Who has taken my pen?

照过最后一张相片。Are taken a picture of.

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他们学起打高尔夫球来了。They have taken up golf.

他已经复仇雪耻。He had taken his revenge.

懿行美德远胜于貌美。Taken virtue than beauty.

这张照片拍得好。The photo has taken well.

她学起双簧管来了。She has taken up the oboe.

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你今天争取了什么呢?What have you taken today?

一个衣橱拆成若干小块。A wardrobe taken to pieces.

我一共调用了25次函数。And it's taken me 25 calls.

大部分都被充作士兵投入战争。Most had been taken in war.

我刚拐过的弯。The turn I have just taken.

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谁拿走了那盘光盘。Who has taken away that CD?

他的右耳被割除了。His right ear was taken off.

但愿我刚才没有吃东西才好。I wish I had not taken that.

老王似乎很吃惊。Lao Wang seemed taken aback.

没有罪犯愿意自投罗网。No prisoners would be taken.

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所有好的域名都已被抢注。All the good names are taken.

你有上过有氧健身芭蕾舞?Have you taken cardio ballet?

今天你吃了维他命了吗?Have you taken your vitamins?