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它倔强地重复着孔德的谬论。It stubbornly repeats all the fallacies of Comte.

正是从这个意义上说,孔德抛弃了经验主义。It is in this sense that Comte repudiates empiricism.

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认识的不同状态说是孔德提出的。Awareness of different states that is the Comte proposed.

同样的动机激发着那些从孔德身上获得灵感的作家。The same motive inspires these writers that inspired Comte.

孔德的后继者就是现代的实证论者。The intellectual heirs of Comte are the contemporary positivists.

孔德给予了一般纲要的这一理论在他的法律的三个国家。Comte had given a general outline of this theory in his law of the three states.

他访问了从前当过乔治·彭眉胥上级的一些将军们,其中之一是H.伯爵。He went to see the generals under whom Georges Pontmercy had served, among others, Comte H.

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同日上午,文森特到朋友德·帕萨汶特伯爵处作客,此人是个声名狼藉的同性恋者。That same morning Vincent visited his friend, the notorious homosexual, Comte de Passavant.

无神论是当时英国散文作品中流行的主要基调,边沁④、密尔⑤、孔德⑥都是受读者喜爱的作家。Atheism was the dominant note of the English prose writings then in vogue, --Bentham, Mill and Comte being favourite authors.

一次,他看见一个将军,古达尔伯爵,巴黎的卫戍司令,穿着全副军装,骑着马打街上走过。He once chanced to see a general on horseback, in full uniform, pass along the street, Comte Coutard, the commandant of Paris.

人们饶有兴趣地朝14号包厢里的伯爵和子爵张望着。出身于象沙尼那样家族的年轻人一般是不会与歌剧演员结婚的。People watched the Comte and the Vicomte in Box 14 with interest. Young men from families like de Chagny do not marry opera Singers.

当这种生物学主义和有机体说的荒谬变得明显,社会学家便完全抛弃了自负的奥古斯特孔德。When the absurdity of this biologism and organicism became obvious, the sociologists completely abandoned the ambitious pretensions of Comte.

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这就是著名的蒲丰针问题,由法国数学家乔治-路易·勒克莱尔蒲丰伯爵在1733年第一次提出。This is known as Buffon's needle problem, after the French mathematician Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon, who first proposed it in 1733.

法国的孔德先生和英国的斯宾塞先生所主张的哲学方面的“平衡论”,亦称“均衡论”。Auguste Comte of France and Herbert Spencer of Britain advocated the "Balance Theory" in the field of philosophy, also called "Equilibrium Theory.

孔德认为,在某种意义上,实证主义即是实证科学,而实证阶段是人类智慧发展的最高阶段。In some degree, Comte thought positivism is positivistic science, and positivistic stage is the highest one for the development of human's intelligence.

在1780年,在让·巴普蒂斯·杜纳坦·德·维缪尔,罗尚博伯爵的带领下,作为法国远征军的他们来到了美国。It went on to serve as part of the French expeditionary force that arrived in America in 1780 under Jean-Baptiste Donatien de Vimeur, comte de Rochambeau.

和他对社会的创立一样,孔德认为我们的人类知识可以通过使用与这些自然科学相类似的方法来解释。With his invention of sociology, Comte was suggesting that our knowledge of human beings could be explained using similar methods to those of the natural sciences.

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由孔德所创立的倡导秩序和进步原则的社会学不仅具有实证特点,同时与一种本质上属于社会改良的思想相联系。It was in this kind of background that Sociology was introduced into China. Auguste Comte 's Sociology with the goal of order and progress has the nature of positivism.

奥利维尔对伯纳德产生了嫉妒心,认为伯纳德夺取了爱德华对自己的宠爱。他决定接受德·帕萨汶特伯爵提供的编辑职位。Olivier was jealous of Bernard, who, he felt, had taken his place in Edouard's affections. He decided to take an editorial assignment offered him by Comte de Passavant.

他相信这个目标可以只通过对爱和自我奉献的感情的呼吁来实现,所以就发展了他所谓的人性博爱的宗教。Believing that this purpose could be achieved only through an appeal to the emotions of love and self-sacrifice, Comte developed what he called the religion of Humanity.