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大博尔山在新约中从未被刻意地提及。Mount Tabor is never mentioned expressly in the New Testament.

一切准备就绪之后,我们向他泊山出发。When we were ready, we left on to Mount Tabor to get readyfor the fight.

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有人告诉西西拉说、亚比挪菴的儿子巴拉已经上他泊山了。When they told Sisera that Barak son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor.

大博尔再度出现在历史中已不再是一个石矿场,而是一个非基督徒的避难所。Tabor re-appears in history no more as a stone quarry but as a pagan sanctuary.

有人告诉西西拉说,亚比挪庵的儿子巴拉已经上他泊山了。And they shewed Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam was gone up to mount Tabor.

基甸问西巴和撒慕拿说,你们在他泊山所杀的人是什么样式。Then said he unto Zebah and Zalmunna, What manner of men were they whom ye slew at Tabor?

审判要临到你们,因你们曾是米斯巴的网罗,是他泊山上铺张的网。For to you belongs the judgment for you have been a snare at mizpah and a net spread over tabor.

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这种变化是可以发生的,如果我们愿意攀登他泊山去观看我们的主耶稣的荣光。Such a change can take place if we will ascend our Mt. Tabor to behold the glory of our Lord Jesus.

又从撒立往东转向日出之地,到吉斯绿他泊的境界,又通到大比拉,上到雅非亚。It turned east from Sarid toward the sunrise to the territory of Kisloth Tabor and went on to Daberath and up to Japhia.

所以,此刻我们也在大博尔山,在显圣容的基督跟前,祂是如此的华丽,祂的人性是蒙受祝福的。And so we too are present on Tabor before our transfigured Christ, who is totally beautiful and blessed in His personal humanity.

升天在他泊山“的表达,是传统的登山变相,是同等于神秘契合的过程。The expression "ascending Mt. Tabor" which is the traditional site of the Transfiguration, is synonymous with progressing in mystical union.

又转向西到亚斯纳他泊,从那里通到户割,南边到西布伦,西边到亚设,又向日出之地,达到约旦河那里的犹大。The boundary ran west through Aznoth Tabor and came out at Hukkok. It touched Zebulun on the south, Asher on the west and the Jordan on the east.

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本场演唱会的全部收入将捐献给意大利米兰圣拉斐尔医学研究中心、红十字基金会,用于心血管疾病方面的研究。The profits of the concert will be used to fund the research on cardiovascular diseases through Milan's "San Raffaele del Monte Tabor" Foundation.

“好,”赛勒斯·史密斯说,“那正是航海的好时候,到达抱岛去也好,到更远的地方去也好,不管是哪一种性质的航海,哪个季节都合适。”"Well, " replied Cyrus Harding, "that will be exactly the most favorable time for undertaking a voyage of any importance, either to Tabor Island or to a more distant land. "

从流窜那天开始,战场上,只剩下壁垒化的哥萨克辎重车车垒营地提供保护,接着,暴风带来不寻常的大雨。On to the field remained only the walled tabor camp of the Cossacks, which was protected from being immediately overrun that day and the next when storms brought unusually heavy rain.