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我几乎没咽气。I hardly breathed.

他呼出酒气。He breathed out wine fumes.

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她低声说出责备的话。She breathed out reproaches.

他叹一口气,算是放心了。He breathed a sigh of relief.

他放心地松了一口气。He breathed a sign of relief.

这男孩对着镜子哈气。The boy breathed on a mirror.

骑者让他的马歇下喘口气。The rider breathed His horse.

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我向空中轻歌一曲。I breathed a song into the air.

她从未走漏这个消息。She never breathed a word of this.

我又能像个自由人一样呼吸了。Once again I breathed as a free man.

那位著名的女影星咽气了。The famous actress breathed her last.

他轻声在她耳畔倾吐爱恋之言。He breathed words of love into her ear.

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这事他从来没向我透露过一点风声。He never breathed a word of this to me.

他冲着手哈气,好暖和些。He breathed on his hands to warm them up.

他边深呼吸边扩胸。He breathed deeply and expanded his chest.

他呼出口气,有深深吸进一口气。He breathed out and took a deep breath in.

她的嘴微微张开,舒了一口气。Her mouth opened slightly as she breathed.

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他父亲今天上午断气了。His father breathed his last this morning.

我周围的环境有轻微的反犹气息。The air I breathed was mildly anti-Semitic.

孩子向自己的手上哈气以取暖。The boy breathed upon his hands to make warm.