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她安慰着心烦意乱的泰瑞。Nina consoles the distraught Teri.

我们真的觉得很忧心如焚最近。We really feel very distraught recently.

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恩,我不悲伤,不难过,不心痛。TU, I am not sad, not sad, not distraught.

事故过去几周了,可她仍是心神不安。Weeks after the accident she remained distraught.

他们的电话关机了,”Shah心急如焚地说。Their cell phone was off, " Shah said, distraught.

这位研究生助理心慌意乱之中立即离去。The graduate assistant left immediately, distraught.

我们都因为役使你们而成了罪恶的人?That we're all guilty of using you?" She was distraught."

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我毫不怀疑很多人都会因此而心烦意乱。I have no doubt that many of us feel especially distraught.

她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。Her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.

九月的一个星期一的早晨,电话是我母亲打来的,电话中像心神不宁,因为我们家的狗max,刚刚死了。My mom called me one Monday morning in September. She was distraught.

摄影师们拍摄到的一位年轻的苗族在营寨中紧紧抱着她的年幼的孩子。A young Hmong mother holds her distraught children inside their secret camp.

本对于自己允许欠帐的愚蠢行为感到万分沮丧。Ben was distraught at his stupidity for allowing this bill to grow so large.

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这也许是最让人扼腕的一对昔日情侣了。This is perhaps the most distraught people to a pair of couples in the past.

电影的开始,罗拉接到男友曼尼的电话。The film begins with Lola receiving a phone call from her distraught boyfriend, Manni.

焦虑不安的父亲回短信督促她尽量往外走,但已经太迟了。Her distraught father wrote back urging her to try and get out, but it was already too late.

心烦意乱、无地自容的优等生雷丁转去了另一所学校。Redding , an honour student, was so distraught and humiliated she transferred to another school.

烦乱和孤独,老人怀着丧子的痛苦和悲伤迎接即将来临的圣诞节。Distraught and lonely, the old man faced the upcoming Christmas holidays with anguish and sadness.

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属于你的每件事终归要脱离我的掌控,我不晓得我还能怎麽办,为此我感到惶然与害怕。Everything about you that is extreme, I don't know how I can cope, I feel distraught and dreading.

她的哥哥和姐姐们看到他们深爱的妹妹是如此安静、苍白和冰冷而伤心欲裂。Her brother and sisters were distraught to see their beloved sister so still, so pale and so cold.

汤姆晚上悄然回到了姨妈家,发现波莉姨妈正在为他的’死”欣喜若狂。Tom evening quietly returned to the aunt's house, aunt polly was found for his "death" distraught.