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不甘做小草就做一棵大树吧!Unwilling to do grass make a tree!

我不愿把梳子借给她。I was unwilling to lend her my comb.

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我不愿就这样的条件作担保。I'm unwilling to engage on such terms.

根据这样的条件我不愿答应。I was unwilling to engage on such terms.

他不愿意回答他们的问题。He is unwilling IDan. swer their questions.

京东商城也不甘落后。Jingdong mall also unwilling to lag behind.

狒狒无形中成了他们的向导。The baboon has become their unwilling guide.

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终于还是不情愿的把你当成了陌路人。Finally or unwilling to Molu you as a person.

撕心裂肺的挽留,不过是心有不甘的表现。I stay, but the heart has unwilling performance.

无知不为耻,不想学才可耻。Ignorance is not a shame but unwilling to learn.

一个不愿奋起力争、背叛种族的黑人?A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself?

自我自嘲,总意味着心有不甘。——莫洛亚。Self self-mockery, always mean heart has unwilling.

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很多心不甘情不愿的外国人的命运实在不济。The lot of unwilling foreigners is far worse still.

总统不愿与大官们遭遇。The President was unwilling to encounter his judges.

普金似乎不愿让出政治控制权。Putin seems unwilling to relinquish political control.

在我们的计划中,有哪部分是我们各自不愿意改变的?What part of our plan are we each unwilling to change?

这样甚至会使那些最不情愿的人也能去喝这种水。It budges even those most unwilling to drink the water.

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现在有些年轻人不愿吃苦。Nowadays,some youngster are unwilling to bear hardship.

迩却连一次机会都不肯给涐。However, not even a chance you are unwilling to give me.

我不愿签名同意这项合同,但必须得签。I was unwilling to subscribe to the contract, but had to.