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它在与操作系统按照用户界面风格。It's in accordance with OS in UI styles.

年代学的与年代有关或依据年代的…Relating to or in accordance with chronology.

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这是计算按照美国公认会计准则。That is calculated in accordance with US GAAP.

根据屏幕截图来调整你的色彩。Adjust you colors in accordance with the screenshot.

按付款凭证所列金额正确支付现金、启付款凭证。Issue payment in accordance to payment voucher amount.

这与现代刑法的人权保障的价值取向是暗合的。It is in accordance with the value of modern criminal.

犹太民族是因一神教而诞生的民族。Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism.

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那两位拳击运动员将在一周进行比赛争夺冠军。You should play the game in accordance with the rules.

未尽事宜,按有关规定办理。Not matter, in accordance with the relevant regulations.

按照服务标准服务整瓶葡萄酒。Open and serve wine bottles in accordance with standards.

但所有专题须和每周进度符合。ALL must be developed in accordance with weekly milestones.

根据用户要求可以加装闪光器。Flasher is optional in accordance with user, s requirement.

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按照小酒吧程序更换存货。Replacement of stock in accordance with mini-bar procedure.

多按章办事、少感情用事。Act in accordance with the regulations, instead of feelings.

市场在进步,优兴特在超越。We keep surpassing in accordance with the developing market.

外商投资企业必须在其投资经营许可证的规定。A FIE must operate in accordance with its investment license.

一切法律条文都必须符合宪法。All laws must be written in accordance with the constitution.

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谁按规定去爱,谁就得不到爱。——蒙田。Whoever in accordance with the provisions, to love, not love.

个人计时赛皆根据SAJ竞赛规则举办。Individual time trial in accordance with SAJ competition rules.

理论分析与实验结果一致。Theoritical analysis is in accordance with experimental result.