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那图像从何而来?Where do the images originate?

PH基因可能来源于B染色体。PH genes maybe originate B chromosome.

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但是这些创新来源于哪里呢?But where did the innovation originate?

是否所有磁星的形成都起源于脉冲星?Did all magnetars originate as pulsars?

这就是突厥人的起源地。This is where the turks originate from.

许多药物原本都是来自于植物。Many of our medicines originate in plants.

它并不关心信息是来自何处。It doesn’t matter where messages originate.

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这一思想形态起源自哪里呢?Where did this thought-form originate from?

你珠宝里的金到底是从何而来?Where did the gold in your jewelry originate?

因为化装舞会起源于意大利。Because the masquerade is originate from Italy.

石塘咀的名字由何而来?Where did the name of Shek Tong Tsui originate?

所以我们要加紧创作我们自己的那部分。so we got to originate the parts that we played.

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新西兰的毛利族发源于中国吗?Did New Zealand's Maori people originate in China?

达尔文阐明了物种的起源。Darwin stated that the species originate by descent.

远程连接源自终端用户设备吗?Do remote connections originate from end user devices?

毛里求斯人来自世界各地。Mauritians originate from the four corners of the world.

它是从哪里产生的而又怎样行经你的全身?Where does it originate and how does it move through you?

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所有涉及增加岁收的提案必须从众议院产生。All bills for raising revenue must originate in the House.

但这个错觉是从我们脑子里还是眼睛里产生的?But does the illusion originate in the mind or in the eye?

这些差异性都源于它们各自的文化差异。All of those differences originate from their Culture-shock.