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这是一部比较温和的电影。It is a very equable film.

他是一个性情平静的人。He is a man of equable temper.

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在自然环境中,他是一种温和、平静的狗。By nature he is an equable dog.

他是个性情平和的人。He is a man of an equable temperament.

他是个脾气非常好的人。He was a man of the most equable temper.

值得庆幸的是他双亲性情非常温和。It's lucky that his parents are so equable.

果不其然,那也是一个堪称平等的增长时期。Sure enough, it was also an era of equable growth.

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但我可以让你拥有平和宁静的感觉。But I could make you have a equable feeling in your heart.

我喜欢和约翰一起工作,因为他性情沉著稳重。I like working with John because he's so calm and equable.

他的精神总是平稳的,并且他又是个循规蹈矩的人。His spirits were always equable and he was an observant person.

他是个非常平和而且有耐心的人,和他一起工作很愉快。He was a fine person to work with and he was very equable and a patient man.

我们自然可以料想得到他那样心平气和的人会这样做的。It's something we should naturally expect from a man of his equable temperament.

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如果你能走正确的道路,正确地思考和行动,你就能在一种幸福的平静流动中度过一生。Thou canst pass thy life in an equable flow of happiness, if thou canst go by the right way, and think and act in the right way.

圆度公差等于三等分或多等分测量所取得的最大或最小外径之差。The roundness tolerance equals to the difference between max. and min. outer diam. obtained by measuring at 3 or more equable parts.

我对于破土特别感到兴趣,差不多在所有的纬度上,人们只消挖掘到地下去,都能得到均一的温度。I took particular pleasure in this breaking of ground, for in almost all latitudes men dig into the earth for an equable temperature.

具有大小均匀、形态规则、数量适中的第二相粒子的铝阳极表现为较好的综合电化学性能。Furthermore, the electrochemical properties were better while the anode was with equable size and regular sharp and suited-number second phase.

微波对流干燥方法是一种新型的干燥方法,具有干燥速度快、杀菌等一系列优点。The combined microwave-convective drying is a novel drying method and has many advantages, such as swift drying, equable drying and sterilization.

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它无言地存在着,用自己坚强而平和的宁静有力地斥责了风雨雷电以及人类——这个一碰到风吹草动就躲进房子里的没用的小东西。How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity as weathers, this gusty temper'd little whiffet , man that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow.

树以坚强和一如既往的平静指责所有雨雪阴晴天气,大风来袭也只是轻轻摇曳,只要有一丝雨水或者一片雪花,人们就会跑进室内。How it rebukes by its tough and equable serenity all weathers, this gusty-temper'd little whiffet, man, that runs indoors at a mite of rain or snow.

与被曼城优厚待遇吸引而铁了心要离开厄普顿公园的克莱格·贝拉米不同,帕克的这种温和般的性格更容易使球迷接受。Yet unlike Craig Bellamy, who threw a strop, who insisted on leaving Upton Park when City's interest surfaced, this equable character proved far more conciliatory.