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于是神差遣底波拉去引领他们。So God sent Deborah to lead them.

我是戴柏拉·汤普森。请问有什么事吗?This is Deborah Thompson. Can I help you?

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德博拉摇摇头,眼里满是泪水。Deborah shook her head, tears in her own eyes.

第二天Deborah从自动提款机取了钱出来。The next day, Deborah took money out of the ATM.

德博拉看见女儿进门时倒抽了一口冷气。Deborah gasped when her daughter walked in the door.

这是黛博拉心肺研究中心的网站。This is the website of Deborah Heart and Lung Center.

有谁拍到巨大黛博拉米登的照片了吗?Has anyone got any pictures of the giant Deborah Meaden?

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那时,底波拉和亚比挪庵的儿子巴拉作歌,说On that day Deborah and Barak son of Abinoam sang this song

底波拉是一个女先知,也是以色列唯一的女士师。Deborah was a prophetess, the only female judge over Israel.

如果你的名字叫黛博拉或皮特,那么你多半是一位总裁。If your name is Deborah or Peter then chances areyou're a CEO.

底波拉叫巴拉去和迦南王耶宾争战。Deborah called Barak to fight a war against Jabin king of Canaan.

那时,底波拉和亚比挪庵的儿子巴拉作歌,说Then sang Deborah and Barak the son of Abinoam on that day, saying

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黛博拉·诺里斯17岁时和约夏·比恩开始谈恋爱。Deborah Norris was 17 years old when she started dating Joshua Bean.

在最近一个周末,黛博拉就在午饭前看望了丈夫。On a recent weekend, Deborah pays Clive a visit just before lunchtime.

“不要弄得太复杂,”她的造型师德博拉·韦克宁说。"Not trying too hard, " says the 20-year-old's stylist Deborah Waknin.

黛博拉·科恩说,商标保护只是在所注册的国家内有效。Deborah Cohn says trademark protection extends only to national borders.

他们在往牛奶房走的时候,德贝拉·费安德从楼梯上露面了。As they retreated to the milk-house Deborah Fyander appeared on the stairs.

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她是拉比多的妻子,在底波拉的棕树下听判断。She was the wife of Lapidoth and held court under the palm tree of Deborah.

德勃拉·帕尔弗瑞称她那已不复存在的服务是“性幻想服务”。Deborah Palfrey said her now-defunct business was an "erotic fantasy service".

尽管经历了这一切,克莱夫依然知道黛博拉是他的妻子。Through it all, Clive maintained some understanding that Deborah was his wife.