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也许是我身上凯尔特人的性格在作祟。Perhaps it's the Celt in me.

嗯,他们应该问一个凯尔特。Well, they should just ask a Celt.

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从窃取凯尔特人的大镰刀停止邪魔。Stop the demons from stealing the Scythe of the Celt.

我发现凯尔特人的这把大镰刀相当是干扰的力量。I find this Scythe of the Celt to be quite a disturbing force.

我寻找不可思议的护符,叫作凯尔特人的大镰刀的一个邪恶的武器。I seek a magical talisman , an evil weapon known as the scythe of the Celt.

我们再一次看到了凯尔特最佳奖杯是一个敌人,甚至悔恨值得赞扬和头部。Again we see that the best trophy for a Celt was the head of an enemy worthy of praise and even lamentation.

作为一个爱尔兰讲凯尔特人,这些古高卢和英国凯尔特人的行动是非常有兴趣。As an Irish-speaking Celt , the actions of these ancient Gaulish and British Celts are very interesting to me.

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大多数的长矛手来自高卢、凯尔特、伊比利亚半岛和日耳曼地区,这些地方的大多数人都可以熟练地使用长矛。Most spearmen tended to come from Gaul Celt Iberian and German regions where most men were already proficient in using spears.

如果我们胜利了,这就是迈向冠军的重要一步,塞尔塔一定希望在社会身上拿分的。If we gain al Athletic, we can take a very important step to obtain ours objective, because I am convinced that the Celt is going to remove points to the Real Company.

作者试图在3B教学法的基础上提出一些有关大学初级阶段英语听力培养的建议,并希望对有关该课题的进一步研究提供一些思路。The author tries to bring forward some suggestions on the basis of 3B teaching Approach and hopes that this study can offer some guidelines for the future study on the CELT.