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他说的马拉巴尔是什么意思?What does he mean by Malabar?

现在收到马拉巴前线发来的报道。A newsflash has this moment arrived from the Malabar front.

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基督徒的马拉巴声称,他们的教堂是由他。The Malabar Christians claim that their church was founded by him.

印度西南部的一座城市,位于班加罗尔西南部马拉巴尔海岸边。A city of southwest India on the Malabar Coast southwest of Bangalore.

在印度,有发展成了不同的风格,例如孟买等地的箱子。The Indian variety is further sub-divided into Surti, Bombay and Malabar chests.

产品的氮磷钾利用率较高。Malabar spinach had high utilization efficiency of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

印度和美国邀请日本参加今日开始举行的“马拉巴尔”联合海上军事演习。India and the US kicked off the Malabar naval exercise today and invited Japan to join them.

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能肯定的事,也是对马拉巴尔或西海岸的印度南部的一个机构的基督徒仍然存在,用一种形式的叙利亚文供其礼仪语言。Certain it is also that on the Malabar or west coast of southern India a body of Christians still exists using a form of Syriac for its liturgical language.

随着两国对中国海军在印度洋日益加大存在表现出的共同担忧,两国还将邀请更多国家加入马拉巴尔海岸系列演习。They would also invite more countries to join the Malabar exercises as the two nations share concerns about the growing Chinese naval presence in the Indian Ocean.

根据捷运公司表示,面积约263.25平方公尺的植生墙,包含了16种不同的绿色植物,有台湾山苏、马拉巴栗、黄金葛等。According to the company, the 263.25-square meter vertical garden contains 16 different kinds of green plants, including Formosa Spleenwort , Malabar chestnut and Devil's ivy.

第二,美日印正在举行“马拉巴尔”联合军演,有报道称中国军舰跟踪了参加军演的印度等国军舰。Second, it is reported that military vessels from India and other countries were trailed by a Chinese military vessel when taking part in the Malabar exercises among the US, India and Japan.