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能借给我五英镑吗?。Can I borrow a fiver ?

这顶帽子的价格是五镑。The hat costs a fiver.

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你能借我五英镑吗?。Can you lend me a fiver?

大海不拒江河。The sea refuses no fiver.

为甚么要等待另一个五年?Why wait another fiver years?

这是世界上最长的河。This is the longest fiver on earth.

很快我们就到了河中间。Soon we were in the middle of the fiver.

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政府下令治理河流。The government ordered to harness the fiver.

你还记得我没有车费时你给我的那五块钱么?You remember that fiver you gave me the time I didn't have carfare?

肝脏被膜下血肿是此一手术极少见的并发症。A fiver subcapsular hematoma is an extremely are complication of ESWL.

一些丢失的五元硬币从河底寻了回来。Several of the missing coins were recovered from the bed of the fiver.

这位男子把那女孩从河里救了出来,女孩的母亲十分感激。The man saved the girl from the fiver and her mother was very grateful.

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Rovos火车也是一样奢华,同样的旅程票价便宜5镑。Rovos Rail, equally luxurious, offers the same journey for a fiver less.

上赛季,当曼城进入联盟杯半决赛争夺战时,俱乐部发给每个进场的球迷五英镑。Last season, when City reached the Uefa Cup quarter-finals, the club let everyone in for a fiver.

如果你是熟客,每次投5美元的话,每次来都有微笑和快捷的服务接待你的。If you’re a regular, tossing in a fiver every once in a while will probably keep those smiles and prompt service coming.

住在红河村的宾馆,游客们可以帮助村民挣钱,这样他们就能保护这条河以及飞禽。By staying at hotels in Red River Village, tourists can help the villagers make money so that they can take care of the fiver and the birds.

小浪底水库的泥沙多年调节,充分利用下游河道的洪水输沙潜力输沙入海,是解决黄河下游泥沙问题和节省输沙用水的有效技术途径。Sediment regulation in Xiaolangdi Reservoir is making full use of the flood potential in the lower fiver channel for sediment discharge into the lower Yellow River.