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发送确认函。Send a confirmation letter.

日期尚待工场确认。Date pending field confirmation.

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您有确认函吗?Do you have a confirmation letter?

先生,您有定房的确认票吗?Do you have confirmation note, sir?

报价须经确认才有效。The offer is subject to confirmation.

这时会显示一个弹出窗口,要求您确认。A pop-up window asks for a confirmation.

这一周你最终确认了这点。This week you finally have confirmation.

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我现在就把确认信给你写好。I will write the confirmation for you now.

我马上给您发一封确认信。I'll email you a confirmation immediately.

回复确认信的标准。Procedure of handling confirmation letter.

向顾客发送一封确认电子邮件。Send a confirmation e-mail to the customer.

价目需最后确认时才作决定。The price is subject to final confirmation.

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获得标本进行实验室确认。Obtain specimens for laboratory confirmation.

你可以给我一份预约确认书吗?Would you give me a confirmation certificate?

这一证实将要引起一场争论。That confirmation will stoke an ongoing debate.

我行因此给该信用证加具保兑。We hereby added out confirmation to this credit.

今天早上,我们确实得到了伊朗方面的证实。As of this morning, we do have that confirmation.

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这些确认状态用斜体表示。These confirmation states are shown with italics.

我们的销售部人员会给您回确认的。You will receive the confirmation by our sale dpt.

局方项目经理和随工的确认。Confirmation of the project managers and engineers.