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早上好,我是菲莉丝·希莫。Good morning. Phyllis Seymour speaking.

菲丽丝?是你吗?我是克莱格?马司特斯。Phyllis ? Is that you? It's Craig Masters.

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菲莉丝建议由她煮点咖啡。Phyllis suggested that she make some coffee.

1963年末,菲莉丝再次怀孕。By the late fall of 1963, Phyllis was pregnant again.

接着,菲利斯·李·莱文问我是否看过这部电影。And then Phyllis Lee Levin asked me if I had seen the movie.

菲莉丝·史密斯控制好速度,用51.32秒跑完了比赛,获得了参赛资格。Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec.

菲丽丝十四岁那年夏天,她们全家到那个国家去旅行了。The summer Phyllis was 14 her family traveled to that country.

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菲利斯也在她在前一天晚上和她的儿子罗伯特一起从马里兰开车过来。Phyllis was there. She had driven up from Maryland the night before, with her son Robert.

“我听说乔和菲利斯在13曰星期五结婚。”“是的!上帝保佑!”"I heard that Joe and Phyllis were getting married on Friday the13th." "Yes! knock on wood!"

亿达橡胶密封件有限公司始建于1984年,是一家专业性的汽车油封生产企业。PHYLLIS rubber seals, established in 1984, is a professional seal of the car production enterprises.

那个比西维亚还蠢的菲利斯洛佩斯说,她记起来这件毛衣是她的。That stupid Phyllis Lopez, who is even dumber that Sylvia, says she remembers the red sweater is hers!

那个比塞尔维亚·萨尔蒂娃还蠢的菲莉丝·络帕兹说她想起来了,那件毛衣是她的。That stupid Phyllis Lopez, who is even dumber than Sylvia Saldivar, says she remembers the red sweater is hers!

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1980年菲莉丝离开了丈夫,“罗伯特希望我能和他一样坚持和投入,但是我实在坚持不了了。”Phyllis left her husband in 1980. “Robert expected me to have the same focus he did, and I just didn’t have it.”

菲莉丝.哈尔姆的家人和朋友目瞪口呆,当她告诉他们,医师打算在她腿部的溃烂伤口上放蛆。Phyllis Hulme's family and friends were aghast when she told them doctors planned to put maggots on her leg ulcer.

脖子上那玩意又爆开了!,我忙着呢,妈!忙的没工夫帮你老妈拉拉链了?。That thing on Phyllis's neck opened up again! Phyllis I'm busy, Ma ! Too busy to help your mother with her zipper?

青岛昊亿达公司是专业从事生产各种焊接设备,电子产品研制。Qingdao Hao PHYLLIS company is specialized in producing all kinds of welding equipment, electronic product development.

周日,从教会回来,鲍勃开车载着妻子和孩子到底特律兜一圈,监察他的雨刷工厂。On Sunday, after church, Bob drove Phyllis and the kids around Detroit, scouting out sites for the Kearns wiper factory.

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“该领域获得了爆炸性增长”,皮尤清洁能源项目总监菲利斯卡蒂诺如是评价。"The sector is marked by pretty explosive growth, " says Phyllis Cuttino, Program Director of the Pew Clean Energy Program.

他目前是加州斯坦福大学艺术与艺术史系的终身教授。He is currently the Paul L. & Phyllis Wattis Professor in Art, Department of Art & Art History, Stanford University, California.

p全球家长教师协会中生二胎的菲利斯母亲们,她们在床上是否在以不可知论者和不信教者不曾体验的方式享受着愉悦?What are the Phyllis Schlaflys of the world--those twice-born PTA moms--doing in bed that the agnostics and unbelievers are not?