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另一项研究显示狒狒能解忧。Another showed bereavement in baboons.

我们对你丧亲之痛表示同情。We all sympathize with you in your bereavement.

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没有什么能减轻这对年老夫妇的丧亲之痛。Nothing could alleviate the old couple's agony of bereavement.

他的工作之一是拜访学校,讲授有关丧亲的内容。One of his jobs is to visit schools and teach about bereavement.

他向这次事件中的死者家属表示了慰唁。You really must tell me if condolences at this time of bereavement.

我们不会去讨论丧失亲友时悲伤的过程。We're not going to talk about the process of grieving or bereavement.

我要你知道,我对你的悲痛致上深切的吊慰。I want you to know how deeply I sympathize with you in your bereavement.

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教会应该为我们提供一种仪式,以此帮助我们摆脱痛苦的困境。The churches should offer us rites to help us deal with our bereavement.

刘易斯他自己已经缺乏战胜丧亲之痛的力量。C. S. Lewis himself dismissed the capacity of faith to overcome bereavement.

她读的关于亲人丧亡的书中也没有任何一本可以贴近她的忧伤。None of the books on bereavement she read could even get close to her grief.

爱和丧亲之痛这两大主题在奥利弗的新小说里被发挥得淋漓尽致。The themes of love and bereavement are given full play in Oliver's new novel.

在你悲痛之时,请接受我衷心的慰问之忱。Please accept my heartfelt sympathy in the bereavement that you have suffered.

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亲人的死亡与上天的恩赐接踵而至,使我们悲喜交加。Bereavement and blessings , one following another , make us sad and blessed by turns.

“失去我的孩子的痛苦就像真真实实的丧亲之痛,”他说。"The pain of losing my children has been like a living bereavement for me, " he said.

如果您的梦想,失去项链,你将很快的痛苦亲属丧亡之痛的一位亲人。If you dream of losing a necklace you will soon be suffering bereavement of a loved one.

他们宁可请病假而不愿承认因为痛失宠物而请假。They take a day of sick leave rather than admit to being off because of pet bereavement.

对于“濒死体验”的讲述也显示出会对人们经历死亡有极大的帮助。Accounts of NDEs have also been shown to be very helpful to people undergoing bereavement.

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男婴们的双亲,现在住在斯塔福德郡,已经向信托专管死丧事务的官员提出求助。The boys' parents, who live in Stafford, have received help from a trust bereavement officer.

有没有过这样的同事---他们鼓励你出头而自己却闪到一边?Ever had someone encourage you to push out a great worker while they were on bereavement leave?

如有需要,会安排哀伤辅导、殓葬补助金和幼儿服务等。Bereavement counselling, burial grants, child care services etc. will be arranged as appropriate.