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糖酵解发生在细胞质中。Glycolysis occurs in cell cytoplasm.

醣酵解与动物淀粉新生有何不同?How do glycolysis and gluconeogenesis differ?How are they similar?

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糖酵解的供能能力是决定运动成绩的主要因素。Glycolysis system is the key factor determining the movement performance.

葡萄糖通过糖酵解作用和三羧酸循环在呼吸过程中被氧化。Glucose is oxidized in respiration through glycolysis and the KREBS CYCLE.

甘油可转化为二羟丙酮磷酸,并进入糖酵解。The glycerol is converted into dihydroxyacetone phosphate which enters glycolysis.

甘油可转化为二羟丙酮磷酸,并进入糖酵解。The glycerol is converted into dihydroxyacetone phosphate which enters glycolysis.

在心脏灌注实验中,为什么葡萄糖的生成和分解减慢了?In the heart perfusion experiments, why did glucose uptake and glycolysis decrease?

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长期以来一直认为,运动中体内糖代谢由有氧氧化向糖酵解转变的原因是缺氧造成的。The reason of the aerobic oxidation to glycolysis is often taken as a sign of tissue hypoxia.

在脂肪组织和肌肉中,己糖基酶能磷酸化果糖成为果糖6-磷酸,然后进入糖酵解途径。In adipose tissue and muscle, hexokinase can phosphorylate fructose to fructose 6-phosphate that then enters glycolysis.

在心脏灌注实验中,为什么葡萄糖的生成和分解减慢了?为什么单磷酸己糖积聚下来了?In the heart perfusion experiments, why did glucose uptake and glycolysis decrease? Why did hexose monophosphates accumulate?

在完好的细胞中糖酵解的调节步骤可以通过研究整个组织或器官中葡萄糖的分解代谢来鉴别。The regulated steps of glycolysis in intact cells Can be identified by studying the catabolism of glucose in whole tissues or organs.

Fantin和Leder采用名为“RNA干扰”技术,对喂养的实验室小鼠体内肿瘤糖酵解作用了改进。Dr Fantin and Dr Leder used a trick called RNA interference to modify glycolysis in the tumours of some specially bred laboratory mice.

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显然敏感品种的呼吸主要通过糖酵解途径,而抗性品种比较依赖戊糖磷酸途径。Sensitive varieties apprently respire mainly by the glycolysis pathway whereas resistant varieties depend more on the pentose phosphate pathway.

本文主要从糖代谢酶的活性和基因表达等方面,较系统地阐述了糖酵解和糖异生过程中的一些关键酶的研究现状。This article explains the research progress of some key enzymes of the glycolysis and gluconeogenesis on the activities, gene expression and so on.

提示CO改变心肌能量代谢途径,增强无氧糖酵解以代偿CO所致的心肌缺氧。These results suggest that CO can change the way of cardiac energy metabolism and increase anaerobic glycolysis to compensate for cardiac hypoxia induced by CO.

另外它也参与了糖异生、磷酸戊糖途径等,它是生物体进行有氧代谢与无氧酵解的关键酶之一。It is also involved in gluconeogenesis, pentose phosphate ways, and it is one of the key enzyme in the organisms with aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis metabolism.

通过研究各主要因素对醇解反应和酯化反应的影响,实现了反应条件的最优化组合。The influences of the main factors, such as the amount of NPG, the power of microwave, reaction time, on the glycolysis and esterification were studied and optimized.

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正常情况下,糖酵解只是能量产生过程的起始阶段,它使葡萄糖分解成丙酮酸分子,后者被线粒体摄取并加工。Normally, glycolysis is merely the prelude to energy production. It breaks glucose down into molecules called pyruvate that are fed to the mitochondria for processing.

对糖酵解混沌振荡过程进行动态辨识建模,结果表明本算法具有较好的辨识效果和收敛性。The dynamic glycolysis chaotic oscillation process is identified using VBL network, which shows that this algorithm has better convergence property than other algorithms.

以半定量方法分析心肌病理损害程度,并测定心肌中糖酵解中间产物11项以及能量代谢产物。Myocardial injury was estimated with a semi-quantitative histological scoring system, and 11 intermediate metabolites in glycolysis and ATP, ADP, AMP, CP in myocardium were measured.