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亚瑟总督。Governor Arthur.

亚瑟·鲁宾斯坦。Arthur Rubinstein.

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但阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔可不同!But Arthur Dimmesdale!

但是亚瑟真的存在么?But did Arthur really exist?

亚瑟·包荣探讨了这个话题。Arthur Bowring explores the issues.

贝德维尔爵士回到了亚瑟王身边。Sir Bedivere returned to King Arthur.

谢谢,回头见,亚瑟。Thanks a lot. See you around, Arthur.

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阿瑟被赫斯特的大胆言辞惊住了。Arthur was frightened by her boldness.

“你自己动手,”亚瑟不客气地说。"Do it yourself" said arthur unkindly.

刚过午夜,亚瑟又醒了。Just after midnight, Arthur woke again.

对解读但阿瑟却没有这样做。On to unscrambling But Arthur wasn't done.

他是第一提琴手?尼尔森问道。"is he a first violin?"Arthur Nilson asked.

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亚瑟对抗莫德雷德的战争持续了很久。Arthur fought a long battle against Mordred.

阿瑟,我也是这样的,因此我们俩肯定意趣相投。But so am I, Arthur. So we're sure to agree.

是您游览阿瑟港的理想下榻处。Perfect base for your visits to Port Arthur.

阿瑟爵士相信外星人吗?Did Sir Arthur believe in extra-terrestrials?

然后他突然在阿瑟旁边蹲下来。Then suddenly he squatted down beside Arthur.

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阿瑟•斯卡吉尔对这起事件的反应则是Arthur Scargill's response to the incident was

阿瑟爵士相信外太空生命吗?Did Sir Arthur believe in extra- terrestrials?

亚瑟·韦斯莱是布莱克家族的第二代远房表兄。Arthur Weasley is a second cousin once removed.