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他用食指指著我,表示责备的意思。He pointed his forefinger at me reprovingly.

他的示指被刀划破了,流了很多血。His forefinger was cut by knife and bled a lot.

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把绒线绕过你的大拇指和食指。Wrap yarn around the back of your thumb and forefinger.

用拇指和食指紧握原表,在垂直向上拉。Grasp chart with thump and forefinger and pull straight up.

操作碱式滴定管是用拇指和食指。The basic buret is usually operated bY thumb and forefinger.

然后掐掉长度在拇指和食指之间的新芽。Then pinch the new shoots between your thumb and forefinger.

利用拇指与食指所形成的圆圈,巧妙的将肉泥挤成球形。Use your thumb and forefinger to shape the meat mud into the round balls.

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你把一切敌手都远远抛在后面,不久就能用你的食指触着天了。You distance all rivals, and may soon touch the sky with your forefinger.

在大拇指与食指中间像鸭蹼的地方穿孔戴上耳钉。Pierce an earring on the webbed part between the thumb and the forefinger.

他用食指在酒壶嘴儿上一抹,再把这指头放进嘴里。He ran his forefinger around the lip of the jug, then put the finger in his mouth.

“我明白,”海茨帕说,她用拇指和食指摘下一朵凋谢的玫瑰。"I see, " said Hesper as she nipped a tattered rose with her thumb and forefinger.

因此,我建议用拇指、食指和中指操作。So I suggest that operate the basic buret with thumb, forefinger and middle finger.

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在一个新主意形成之前,他会用食指来抚摩额头。Before the formation of a new idea, he would touch his forehead with his forefinger.

我每只手的拇指和食指之间都紧紧地捏着一片锋利的蓝钢刀片。I held a sharp blue edge of steel tightly between thumb and forefinger to each fist.

我看到你右手食指被乳钵柄摩出老茧的地方了。I saw the callous spot on your right forefinger where the handle of the pestle rubs.

一个情绪激动的谎言者可以会不停的摆弄他的拇指和食指。A hard emotional lie is detected by whether their thumb and forefinger touch briefly.

捏上一把盐,要用食指中指和大拇指,而只用食指和大拇指是不够的。A real pinch of salt involves using 2 fingers and a thumb, not the forefinger and thumb.

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他两欢用食指插着合上书看,作者的名字,史文朋!Twice he closed the book on his forefinger to look at the name of the author. Swinburne!

一旦心无杂念,开始轻柔地同时抚摸拇指和食指。As soon as you are present, gently touch your thumb and forefinger together on each hand.

他握紧我的手,伸出一根食指在我们眼前威胁地晃动。He tightened his grasp upon my hand, and raised a forefinger threateningly before my eyes.