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泽维尔并不孤单。Xavier is not alone.

方济-沙勿略出生于沙勿略城堡。The birth of Francis Xavier in Castle of Xavier.

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后来,奥巴马提出圣泽维尔大学,天主教大学在孟买。Later, the Obamas moved on to St. Xavier College, a Catholic college in Mumbai.

查尔斯泽维尔增长在1960年注册的知道他是从他的同学有所不同。Charles Xavier grew up in the 1960's knowing he was different from his schoolmates.

遗憾的是,两百年前大名鼎鼎的扎维尔·德·迈斯特已经占得先机了。Regrettably, over two centuries ago, the notorious Xavier de Maistre got there first.

随后,在圣·泽维尔大学获得教育学和管理学的硕士学位。I also have a Master's Degree from Saint Xavier University in Teaching and Leadership.

他在奥特班学院获得学士学位,在夏维尔大学获得硕士学位。He received his Bachelor's degree from Otterbein College and Master's degree from Xavier University.

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执政党人民运动联盟主席柏川德称Mediapart为「使用法西斯手段的网站」。Xavier Bertrand, leader of the ruling UMP party, called Mediapart "a site that uses fascist methods."

圣方济各‧沙勿略到了印度、日本及马来西亚后,最终在中国南方一个小岛上离世。After evangelizing in India, Japan and Malaysia, St. Francis Xavier died on an island in southern China.

每当他们向前一步,一个美国人就丢了一份工作。And every time they act, an American loses a job, " said Xavier Becerra, a Democratic congressman from California.

奥巴马总统在刚刚过去的这个周末,在路易斯安那州新奥尔良市的泽维尔大学演讲中也提到到上述的批评。President Obama acknowledged as much this past weekend in a speech at Xavier University of Louisiana in New Orleans.

洋基才刚从海盗队中取得纳迪去防守外野,不禁让人怀疑他到底要取代谁。Considering that the Yankees just acquired Xavier Nady to play outfield one has got to wonder who he is going to replace.

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他们队中最好的队员应该是阿贝尔泽维尔,他吸毒丑闻后恢复回归,表现不减当初。Their best player was Abel Xavier by a mile and his rehabilitation after his drug scandal is nothing short of extraordinary.

林肯和莎拉关心迈可的病情。迈可藏起“锡拉”上那块他取下的芯片,赛尔夫和格雷琴在Lincoln and Sara are concerned about Michael's health. Michael hides the chip on Xavier. Self and Gretchen watch him do this.

宾高判罚后卫沙维亚,认为他蓄意用手阻拦法国后备上阵锋将韦托特的射门,引发冲突。Benko sparked bedlam by ruling that defender Abel Xavier had deliberately handled a shot from French substitute Sylvain Wiltord.

在学校设置了导师制后,维克多选择了卡玛作为他的导师,他还被赋予了一个新的代号-变色龙。When the advisor system is set up at the Xavier Institute, Victor chooses Karma as his advisor and is given the code name Anole.

由于在学生宿舍内发现"死亡预告",美国芝加哥圣泽维尔大学12日临时封校。St Xavier University in Chicago was closed indefinitely Saturday after receiving death notes at a students' residence on April 10.

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在加时赛中,法国前锋维尔托德的射门打在葡萄牙后卫沙维尔的手上,主裁判没有做出判罚,但是助理裁判举旗示意,并判罚了点球。Abel Xavier handled a shot from Sylvain Wiltord, and although the referee failed to spot the offence, his assistant flagged for a penalty.

磁认为,突变体和正常的人会彼此战争,而哈维尔和他的小组认为他们能够和平共处。Magneto believes that mutants and normal humans will war with each other, while Xavier and his group believe they can co-exist peacefully.

超级委员会中一位民主党成员、加利福尼亚州的众议员贝塞拉把目前的局势比作一场体育比赛的最后几分钟。Democratic supercommittee member, Representative Xavier Becerra of California, compared the situation to the final minutes of a sporting match.