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港湾内河航标灯照明电源。Harbor inland river pharos illumination power source.

本文设计并实现基于DSP光伏发电LED航标灯系统。This paper presents the design and implementation of a LED pharos system based on a DSP.

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提出了一种结合专家系统、零件族库实现基于产品配置的灯桩CAD系统的方法。Pharos CAD system was proposed, in which the expert system and the parts family are adopted.

提出了一种结合专家系统、零件族库实现基于产品配置的灯桩CAD系统的方法。A Pharos CAD system was proposed, in which the expert system and the parts family are adopted.

已知最早的一座灯塔是亚历山大里亚的法罗斯岛灯塔。The first known lighthouse was the Pharos of Alexandria. The modern lighthouse dates only from the early 18th century.

在亚历山大和法罗斯岛间有一条堤道连接,这样亚历山大就成了一个巨大的、更安全的通向东方的港口。A causeway connected the offshore island of Pharos with the port, creating a large western harbour and an adequate, safer one to the east.

设计研究院的成立标志着太原重型机械集团公司科技体制改革迈出了新的步伐。Design an academy wear into pharos annals reform of system of science and technology of company of heavy-duty and rigid group strode Taiyuan new step.

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将GPS获得的位置信息以及传感器获得的航标工作状态通过专线传回,结合GIS技术对航标进行监控。We collect the information about the position by GPS and the working state of pharos, then we can monitor and control pharos using the technology of GIS.

探讨了航标灯无线远程监控终端系统组建模式与实现方法,逐个模块分析其实现合理性与可行性。Model construction and realized method of pharos radio remote monitor terminal system are discussed in the thesis-, feasibility and rationality is analyzed for every module.

以莫斯科为基地的灯塔金融组织,其背后是金融大鳄乔治·索罗斯,已经在去年11月建立了一个主攻农业的私人股本基金,正在亚洲和非洲搜寻农场。Pharos Financial Group, a firm backed by financier George Soros and based in Moscow, created an agriculture-focused private-equity fund in November and is scouting farms in Asia and Africa.