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克罗打电话到华盛顿饭店并通过先林安排好了会面。Krogh called the Washington Hotel and set up a meeting through Schilling.

尼克松可玩笑地捅了下先林的肩膀,并送了他们白宫的袖扣。Nixon playfully punched Schilling on the shoulder and gave both men White House cuff links.

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在洛杉矶停留一天后,艾尔维斯让先林随他一起飞往首都。After just one day in Los Angeles, Elvis asked Schilling to fly with him back to the capital.

所以我们也搬到了Salina去住,我们住在Schiling房子里,那是在战争年代专门为军人家属准备的。So we moved to Salina and stayed in the Schilling housing complex for military families during war.

这枚双金属50先令硬币反映的是1先令硬币在其整个历史上的三个版本。The bi-metal 50 Schilling coin shows three versions of the 1 Schilling coin throughout its history.

中午时分,艾尔维斯带着先林和刚从孟菲斯赶来的保镖到达白宫。Around noon, Elvis arrived at the White House with Schilling and bodyguard Sonny West, who'd just arrived from Memphis.

会谈结束前,艾尔维斯让尼克松跟先林和维斯特打声招呼,然后这两人就被带进了椭圆办公室。Before leaving, Elvis asked Nixon to say hello to Schilling and West, and the two men were escorted into the Oval Office.

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给出了配置西林舵的双尾机动驳的深水船模操纵性试验结果。This paper presents the model test results of a self propelled barge with twin skeg equipped with schilling rudder maneuvering in deep water.

我们三个人的膳宿费每天大约两美元,随着奥地利先令由于通货膨胀而贬值,我们的房租和伙食费不断地在减少。The pension was about two dollars a day for the three of us, and as the Austrian schilling went down with inflation, our room and food were less all the time.

公司在坦桑尼亚的银行开立坦先令和外汇账户,也可以在经批准和指定的国外其它银行开立账户。The Company shall open Tan Schilling accounts and foreign currency accounts in banks in Tanzania, or open accounts in other approved and appointed banks abroad.

希灵在全国广播公司的会见媒体电视节目中说,对于可能激怒本选区那些期待大幅削减联邦开支的选民的事情,许多新科共和党人都会三思而行。Schilling told NBC's Meet the Press that many newly-elected Republicans will think twice about angering voters back in their home districts who expect deep cuts in federal spending.