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你的个人情况暧昧不明。Your personal situation is fluctuating.

处理波动量的灵活性能否增加?Increase flexibility to handle fluctuating volumes?

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浮浮沉沉的爱恋骤然消失在春天。The fluctuating love disappears in the spring suddenly.

物价的波动往往因公众需求的变化而造成。Fluctuating prices usually base on a fickle public's demand.

变动回水区河床演变特性。Evolution characteristics of riverbed in fluctuating backwater area.

专长发展之路是直线匀速的还是曲线变速的?。Is the road to expertise straight and smooth or zigzag and fluctuating?

也许我们可以弄明白布兰妮那波动的胸围是怎么回事。Maybe we can finally resolve the mystery of her fluctuating breast size.

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衡水市近几年汽车尾气污染呈起伏下降趋势。The trend of automobile exhaust in Hengshui is fluctuating in recent years.

铝和镁合金以及钢都会发生应力锈蚀腐蚀的破裂。Cracking due to repeating and fluctuating stresses in a corrosive environment.

他猜想颜色在一个随机、迷幻的佩斯利涡旋中无序地摆动。He imagined the colors fluctuating chaotically in a random, psychedelic paisley.

中国许多蔬菜种植者最近受变动价格的影响。Many vegetable growers in China have been affected by fluctuating prices recently.

波动的市场价格,劳动力短缺以及阴晴不定的鬼天气让人知难而退。Why put up with fluctuating market prices, labor shortages, and uncertain weather?

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奥斯特勒向读者讲述了世界其它主要语言跌宕起伏的命运。Ostler gives an account of the fluctuating fortunes of other major world languages.

如果太阳输出的能量在变化那么其温度必定也在波动之中。If the sun's energy output is changing, then its temperature must be fluctuating too.

提出了估算类似条件下的脉动压力强度的经验公式。The experiential formulas to estimate fluctuating pressure intensity have been given.

本文通过水工模型试验,对水垫塘冲击区底板块表面及底面动水动力进行了测量。On the experimental model, fluctuating pressure on the bottom of plunge pool was measured.

其次,该公司需要减少由欧元兑美元汇率浮动带来的损失。Second, the company needs to reduce its exposure to fluctuating euro-dollar exchange rates.

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你们当中有不少人最近会因此感到疲惫、担忧、沉重、停滞和情绪的起伏。Some of you may feel tired, worried, heavy, stucked, and emotion fluctuating in recent days.

本文首先讨论了LDA对湍流脉动具有的动态响应特性。Dynamic-response-ability of LDA to fluctuating velocities in turbulent flow is discussed first.

作用在建筑物上的脉动风压是一个空间和时间的复杂函数。Fluctuating wind pressures acting on buildings are complicated functions of both time and space.