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武汉最好的附睾炎医院?Wuhan best epididymitis hospital?

附睾炎会引起精索静脉曲张么?Is epididymitis able to arouse a varicocele?

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如何分辨急性附睾炎跟类似疾病?How to tell a similar disease with acute epididymitis?

夏天怎样预防附睾炎的发生呢?Summer how to prevent the occurrence of the epididymitis?

在呼和浩特去哪里治疗附睾炎最权威!Treatment of epididymitis in Hohhot, the most authoritative go!

结论CDU是检测非特异性附睾炎一种有价值的方法。Conclusion CDU may be a valuable method in diagnosing non-specific epididymitis.

方法回顾性分析45例非特异性附睾炎的超声表现。Methods Ultrasonographic appearances of non-specific epididymitis in 45 patients were analyzed retrospectively.

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结果75例是急性附睾炎,其中有5例同时伴有睾丸炎,6例是慢性附睾炎。Results 75 patients including 5 cases with epididymo orchitis were epididymitis. 6 cases were chronic epididymitis.

方法采用直接检查法在清晰显示二维超声图像基础上,进行CDFI血流分类及血流动力学检测。Methods Direct examination of B mode ultrasound imaging and CDFI were performed in 48 patients with acute or chronic epididymitis.

文献指出小儿附睪炎与睪丸炎的发生率约略和精索扭绞或睪丸附件扭绞相当。Previous studies suggested that epididymitis is nearly as frequent as torsion of the spermatic cord or torsion of the appendix of testes.

结论二维及CDFI可清晰显示急、慢性附睾炎图像,在其临床诊断及疗效判定中具有重要作用。Conclusion Two diameter ultrasound and CDFI play an important role in diagnosis and curative assessment of acute and chronic epididymitis.

支原体生殖道感染与非淋菌性尿道炎或宫颈炎有关,此外可引起前列腺炎、附睾炎和不育症等。Mycoplasma genital infection and of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of or cervicitis relevant, besides can cause prostatitis, epididymitis and infertility, etc.

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一位52岁男性病人主诉右额腰痛和右侧阴囊疼痛有两天,被诊断为副睪炎而给予抗生素治疗。A 52-year-old male patient had complaints of right flank pain and scrotal tenderness for two days and was diagnosed with epididymitis. Antibiotics were given for his epididymitis.