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我们称这个复音This we call polyphony.

在复调音乐中与右手一样重要。Polyphony is as important as the right hand.

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复调与狂欢,解构独白。Polyphony and carnival, the deconstructing of monologue.

这是复杂的东西,不论是复音还是对位法So it's complex stuff, this polyphony or this counterpoint.

因此学习和研究巴洛克复调音乐是必不可少的。So study and research production of polyphony is necessary.

主调音乐为主旋律和伴奏和声,以别于复调音乐。Texture with principal melody and accompanying harmony, as distinct from polyphony.

在艺术形式上,则呈现出“心灵故事”和“复调”小说的特征。Their artistic forms are characterized by features of "soul stories" and "polyphony" novels.

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在与西方复调音乐接触以前,世界上的多数民间音乐都是单声部音乐。Most of the world's folk music was essentially monophonic until contact with Western polyphony.

由复调这个新的视野,我们可以发现胡风文学理论未尽的现代蕴涵。On the platform of polyphony theory, we can discover the modernistic connotation of Hufeng's theory.

巴赫金借用音乐学术语“复调”创立了以对话为核心的复调小说理论。Bakhjin used the musicology terminology "polyphony" to establish the Polyphonic Novel Theory with the dialogue.

关于杂语理论,也有相关的研究成果,但缺乏系统性的研究。Research focused on polyphony theory, dialogue theory, carnival theory, but related heteroglossia theory lacked s.

复调音乐的起源与宗教密不可分,它的出现对其后相当长的历史阶段产生了深远的影响。The origin of polyphony is closely related to religion. The emergence of polyphony has a far historical significance.

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据推测,复调记谱法的发展使得复调的实践在这段时期内得以发展并最初成为一种形式。The notation of polyphony develops, and the assumption is that formalized polyphonic practices first arose in this period.

第二章简略介绍了巴赫金的复调小说理论,包括“狂欢化”、“复调”和“对话理论”三个方面的内容。The second chapter is a brief review of Bakhtin's polyphonic theory, including carnivalesque overtones, dialogism and polyphony.

这种爵士音乐被称之为“热辣辣的爵士”,因为他们的节拍很快,他们即兴表演特别迷人。This music became known as "Hot Jazz", because of the often breakneck speeds and amazing improvised polyphony that these bands produced.

在最下面的第三部分,我已经把那小曲做成了复音的例子,和它自己有所对比So part three down there at the bottom we've got an example of polyphony where I take in the tune and set it against itself a little bit.

海登是一个非裔美国诗人,他专注于描写奴隶贸易的多韵抒情叙事诗。Hayden was an African American poet who managed, in this brief epic, to bring the slave trade into lyrical focus with a polyphony of voices.

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昆德拉大胆的尝试改变小说的文本,提出新的复调理论,进行了一系列的现代复调小说创作。He had a daring attempting on the novel's version, developed a new polyphony theory, and engaged in the creation of series modern polyphony novels.

如果说中国的绘画艺术具有一种“线韵”意味的话,西方的音乐绘画可以称作是绘画中的“复调音乐”。If say that the Chinese painting art has a kind of line melody " spirit, the western music brush art can call to is in the painting of polyphony music".

自从PD工作室在1997年研发了该系列的首款游戏以来,超过63000000的游戏碟基于索尼PS的各种平台销售于世界范围。Since Polyphony Digital first introduced the series in 1997, over 63 million units have been sold worldwide on the variety of Sony Playstation consoles.