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你要憋死她了!You're suffocating her!

我热得都快要窒息了。I’m suffocating and hot.

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由于没有窗户,我觉得关在屋子里很闷气。With no windows I felt boxed in suffocating.

掐住气管而使人窒息的行为。The act of suffocating by constricting the windpipe.

这种炎热的天气在夜晚尚能忍受,但白天就令人感到呼吸困难。The heat was tolerable at night but suffocating during the day.

阿伦用他的手压在珍妮特的氧气罩上,使其窒息,这就是他的回答。York answers by pressing his hand down on her mask and suffocating her.

他立刻来了一阵窒息的咳嗽,很快地结束了他的胜利。He was immediately seized by a suffocating cough that soon ended his triumph.

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他胸部觉得闷闷的,好像透不过气来。He has a feeling of tightness in the chest or a feeling that he is suffocating.

罗和另一位室友受不了宿舍里令人窒息的寂静,便取下了她们的帘子。Luo and a roommate couldn’t stand the suffocating silence and removed their curtains.

在那个时候,政府对企业的进口货物和输出量征收了令人窒息的利息。At that time the government took a suffocating interest in a firm’s imports and output.

她和那男人之间的喃喃细语﹐他和她快乐的笑声﹐都令他窒息。Her talks and happy laughs with her man makes the dragonfly feel as if he is suffocating.

我走进车库去洗衣服时吃了一惊,那里的空气实在是闷得让人窒息。I walk into my garage to do laundry and am bowled over by how suffocating the air is in there!

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郑经翰在五月以人身安全受危害和扼杀的政治气氛理由而封咪。Mr Cheng went off the air in May, citing death threats and a suffocating political atmosphere.

但王国毕竟变得窒息而难以为继了,结果导致了1868年的明知维新。But the regime became suffocating and unsustainable, and ended with the Meiji Restoration of 1868.

如此令人窒息的环境就为极端主义与恐怖主义的迅速繁荣提供温床。Such suffocating ambiance provides fertile grounds for extremism and terrorism to rapidly flourish.

韦小宝给他扠得透不过气来,满脸紫胀,伸出了舌头。Trinket was suffocating . His face was swollen and purple, his tongue was protruding from his mouth.

疯长的藻类会消耗水体中大量的氧气,使其他水生生物窒息而死,从而破坏生态系统。It is ravaging the ecosystem because it consumes large quantities of oxygen, suffocating other marine life.

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不过这澡可有点恐怖——搁浅的鱼,有时还有晒干的鳄鱼都是泥浴的骇人伴侣。It's a gruesome bath though – suffocating fish and the occasional sun dried caiman are grisly bath buddies.

房里实在又闷又热,我什么都不愿做,晚饭后我到院里乘凉。It was so hot and suffocating in the room that I could do nothing, So after supper I came to the yard to relax.

由于大公司巨大的限制,李开复不能自由的使Google在中国实现本土化。Because of the suffocating constraints of a large company, Kaifu Lee was not free to localize Google into China.