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元帅谈到她的手臂。Marshal touched her arm.

元帅走到我旁边。Marshal walked next to me.

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元帅不能帮助她。Marshal could not help her.

它真能如将军所说的被找到吗?Can it be found, as the marshal said?

然后,她把包元帅。Then she handed the package to Marshal.

我停下来得到它,但元帅是更快。I stopped to get it, but Marshal was quicker.

他们例举了许多令人吃惊的不错理由。They marshal some surprisingly good arguments.

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执行工作由执行员进行。The execution shall be performed by the marshal.

朱可夫是前苏联的一位元帅。Zhukov was a marshal of the former Soviet Union.

即使我不知道是否元帅说的是事实。Even I do not know if Marshal was telling the truth.

警察局长狄龙是这一地区最公正的执法官。Marshal Dillon was the most just judge in this area.

最后再次说明本文目的并非美化安东内斯库。It is not our intention to glorify marshal Antonescu.

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“印度早就应该这样做,”奈克上将说。This is long overdue, " Air Chief Marshal Naik said."

在英国陆军中,元帅的军衔比上将高。In British army a field marshal ranks above a general.

布里格斯停顿了一会儿,好像要整理一下思绪。Briggs paused for a moment as if to marshal his thoughts.

我不知道谁第一次看到它,但元帅的选择了。I do not know who saw it first, but Marshal picked it up.

血刀指着他的眉心,我愤怒的眸直指他的眼。Marshal pointing to his brow, I am angry eyes at his eyes.

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宪兵司令同意了,第二天晚上,她祝酒了。The marshal agreed, and she gave the toast the next evening.

美国联邦保安官汤尼班尼特正在督导这试验的安全性。US marshal Tony Bennet is overseeing security for the trial.

元帅和他的妻子是唯一的在我们这个时代的人本集团。Marshal and his wife were the only people our age in the group.